我正在使用 Synth 自定义我的 LAF,现在我正在研究 ComboBox,这真的让我感到困惑。我查看了ComponentProperties Table并找到ComboBox.listRenderer了为 JComboBox 列表指定渲染器的属性。问题是我不知道如何将我自己的渲染器绑定到它。我找到了一些以前的答案,例如:

<style id="ComboBoxListRenderer">
     <opaque value="true"/>
          <color type="TEXT_FOREGROUND" value="BLACK" />
<bind style="ComboBoxListRenderer" type="name" key="ComboBox.listRenderer"/>

这确实有效,但它只会改变 defaultSynthComboBoxRenderer的行为,我无法将自己的渲染器类绑定ui.MyComboBoxRenderer到它。我也试过

   <style id="comboBox">
        <object id="ComboBoxListRenderer" class="ui.MyComboBoxListRenderer"/>
        <property key="ComboBox.listRenderer" type="idref" value="ComboBoxListRenderer"/>
    <bind style="comboBox" type="region" key="ComboBox"/>



1 回答 1


我设法自己弄清楚了。对于任何寻求解决方案的人,您需要SynthComboBoxUI使用您自己的覆盖MyComboBoxUI并在您的 UI 中提供您的自定义渲染器。例如:

public class MyComboBoxUI extends SynthComboBoxUI {
    //Important! You must define this method and return your own UI class,
    //otherwise Synth will invoke its own *createUI* method and return
    //SynthComboBoxUI instead, which means all your efforts below will be in vain.
    public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c) {
        return new MyComboBoxUI();

    //override this method to provide your own list renderer
    protected ListCellRenderer<Object> createRenderer() {
        return new MyComboBoxRenderer();

    //custom ListRenderer class
    private class MyComboBoxRenderer extends JLabel implements ListCellRenderer<Object>, UIResource {
        public MyComboBoxRenderer() {
            setText(" ");

        public String getName() {
            // SynthComboBoxRenderer should have installed Name while constructor is working.
            // The setName invocation in the SynthComboBoxRenderer() constructor doesn't work
            // because of the opaque property is installed in the constructor based on the
            // component name (see GTKStyle.isOpaque())
            String name = super.getName();

            return name == null ? "ComboBox.renderer" : name;

        public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList<?> list, Object value,
                         int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) {

            // The renderer component should inherit the enabled and
            // orientation state of its parent combobox.  This is
            // especially needed for GTK comboboxes, where the
            // ListCellRenderer's state determines the visual state
            // of the combobox.
            if (comboBox != null){

            return this;

和 XML 文件:

<style id="comboBox">
    <insets top="3" left="6" bottom="3" right="6"/>
    <!--fill the full class name in the *value* attribute and synth will do the magic-->
    <defaultsProperty key="ComboBoxUI" type="String" value="ui.MyComboBoxUI"/>
        <imagePainter method="comboBoxBackground" path="combobox_normal.png"
            sourceInsets="2 2 2 2"/>
<bind style="comboBox" type="region" key="ComboBox"/>
于 2018-02-06T07:16:05.880 回答