I was reading about singletons the other day and thought to implement them in a project of mine, but I didn't like the way it seemed to flow logically, so I created what I'd call a controller class to manage the state of the singleton object. I want to make sure that the logic checks out though, and that I'm not inadvertently spawning off additional instances.

//Controller for SaveSystem, allows the class to be created once for the 
//duration of the application at the global level (believe this is called a 
//singleton pattern)

public class SaveSystemContr {
  private static SaveSystem saveSystemInstance;
  public SaveSystem GetSaveSystemData() {
    return saveSystemInstance;

  public void SetSaveSystem(SaveSystem _saveSystem) {
    if(saveSystemInstance!=null) {

  public static SaveSystem getSaveSystemInstance(final FirebaseAuth _auth, final LoadProjFragment _LFP) {
    if(saveSystemInstance==null) {
        saveSystemInstance = new SaveSystem(_auth, _LFP);

    return saveSystemInstance;

  public SaveSystemContr() {} //THE WAY IS SHUT!

Edit* I do not view this as a duplicate of the question referenced, as that was a typical/standard implementation of a singleton, and this uses a different model altogether by utilizing a controller to manage the state of the singleton.


2 回答 2




SaveSystemContr controller = new SaveSystemContr();

// Create instance 1
controller.SetSaveSystem(new SaveSystem(auth, lfp));

// Create instance 2
controller.SetSaveSystem(new SaveSystem(auth, lfp));

// ...

如果您只想要 1 个实例,为什么还要使用 setter 方法?


public final class SaveSystemSingleton {
  // This class should only be accessed statically. Don't allow instance creation
  private SaveSystemSingelton() {}

  private static SaveSystem saveSystem;

  // Encapsulate creation logic. Passing in params is misleading because
  // all subsequent calls will do nothing with the params.
  public static SaveSystem get() {
    // If accessing from multiple threads do Double Check Locking instead!
    if (saveSystem == null) {
      saveSystem = new SaveSystem(new FirebaseAuth(), new LoadProjFragment());
    return saveSystem;



于 2018-02-03T04:59:50.477 回答

将构造函数设为私有并移除 getter 和 setter:

    //Allows the OBJECT (not class) to be created once only    
    public class SaveSystem {

      private static SaveSystem saveSystemInstance;

      //make constructor private 
      private SaveSystem(final FirebaseAuth _auth, final LoadProjFragment _LFP) {
        //todo complete constructor

      public static SaveSystem getSaveSystemInstance(final FirebaseAuth _auth, final LoadProjFragment _LFP) {
        if(saveSystemInstance==null) {
            saveSystemInstance = new SaveSystem(_auth, _LFP);
        return saveSystemInstance;


于 2018-02-03T05:11:50.860 回答