public class CategoriesUI extends MainScreen implements ListFieldCallback {

    //categoryimport.listingnodup is the current categories with no duplicates
    public Categories categoryimport = new Categories(); //brings in all infromation from Categories.java

    private ListField allcategories;

    CategoriesUI() {     

        this.add(new LabelField("List of Categories"));
        allcategories = new ListField(categoryimport.listingnodup.size());
        allcategories.setCallback(this); //we manage the interaction!


    protected boolean onSavePrompt() {

        return true;

    //Implemented Call Back Methods follow

    //draw the current row
    public void drawListRow(ListField list, Graphics g, int index, int y, int w) {

        catdrawer categorydraw = (catdrawer) this.get(list, index);
        int drawColor = Color.BLACK;
        g.drawText(categorydraw.cat, 0, y, 0, w);


    public int getPreferredWidth(ListField list) {

        return Display.getWidth();


    public int indexOfList(ListField listField, String prefix, int start) {

        //Not a current implementation this is really just commented out
        return start;


    //Returns the object at the specified index
    public Object get(ListField list, int index){

        return categoryimport.listingnodup.elementAt(index);


    class catdrawer {

        public String cat = categoryimport.listingnodup.toString(); 


该程序正确编译,但是当它在 Simulator 8800 中运行时,它会在执行此代码时崩溃。


1 回答 1



catdrawer categorydraw = (catdrawer) this.get(list, index);

当 categorydraw 为 null 时,3 行后调用 drawtext 会抛出异常。您需要检查是否为空。

于 2011-02-01T01:26:32.287 回答