经过一些摆弄这对我有用。最棘手的部分是在创建 HTML::Document 对象之前清理所有分隔字符,例如 \t、\n 和 \。
# wrapper method around the native assert_select method that extracts out the html
# from raw html text that is embedded within javascript code.
# ex.
# $('body').append("<div id=\"edit_post_form_container\" class=\"active modal_form_container\">
# <a href=\"#\" class=\"close\">
# <img alt=\"Close\" height=\"16\" src=\"/images/close.png?1293730609\" width=\"16\" />
# <\/a>
# <form accept-charset=\"UTF-8\" action=\"/posts/1023110335\" .../>")
# assert_js_select "input[type=?][name=?]", "text", "foo[bar]", :count => 1
# assert_js_select "textarea", "Some long text"
# assert_js_select "textarea[name=?]", "post_text", "Some long text"
# assert_js_select "textarea[name=?][class=?]", ["post_text", "css_class", "Some long text"
def assert_js_select(*args, &block)
extracted_text = @response.body.match(/(\<.*\>)/)[0].
gsub("\\n", "").gsub("\\t", "").gsub(/\\"/, '"').gsub("\\", '')
if extracted_text.present?
doc = HTML::Document.new(CGI::unescapeHTML(extracted_text)).root
args.insert(0, doc)
assert_select(*args, &block)
assert false, "Unable to extract any html from the js code."