我已经创建了简单的 Gmail 插件,现在我正在努力使用以下策略。
var MAX_THREADS = 5;
* Returns the array of cards that should be rendered for the current
* e-mail thread. The name of this function is specified in the
* manifest 'onTriggerFunction' field, indicating that this function
* runs every time the add-on is started.
* @param {Object} e data provided by the Gmail UI.
* @returns {Card[]}
function buildAddOn(e) {
// Activate temporary Gmail add-on scopes.
//Logger.log('E', Session.getActiveUser());
var accessToken = e.messageMetadata.accessToken;
var userProperties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();
var Token = userProperties.getProperty('Token');
Logger.log('Token value:',typeof Token);
if(Token != null ){
var messageId = e.messageMetadata.messageId;
var senderData = extractSenderData(messageId);
var cards = [];
// Build a card for each recent thread from this email's sender.
if (senderData.recents.length > 0) {
senderData.recents.forEach(function(threadData) {
cards.push(buildRecentThreadCard(senderData.email, threadData));
} else {
// Present a blank card if there are no recent threads from
// this sender.
.setTitle('No recent threads from this sender')).build());
return cards;
var cards = []
var login_card = build_login_card()
return cards;
* This function builds a set of data about this sender's presence in your
* inbox.
* @param {String} messageId The message ID of the open message.
* @return {Object} a collection of sender information to display in cards.
function extractSenderData(messageId) {
// Use the Gmail service to access information about this message.
var mail = GmailApp.getMessageById(messageId);
var threadId = mail.getThread().getId();
var senderEmail = extractEmailAddress(mail.getFrom());
var recentThreads = GmailApp.search('from:' + senderEmail);
var recents = [];
// Retrieve information about up to 5 recent threads from the same sender.
recentThreads.slice(0,MAX_THREADS).forEach(function(thread) {
if (thread.getId() != threadId && ! thread.isInChats()) {
'subject': thread.getFirstMessageSubject(),
'count': thread.getMessageCount(),
'link': 'https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/' + thread.getId(),
'lastDate': thread.getLastMessageDate().toDateString()
var senderData = {
"email": senderEmail,
'recents': recents
return senderData;
* Given the result of GmailMessage.getFrom(), extract only the email address.
* getFrom() can return just the email address or a string in the form
* "Name <myemail@domain>".
* @param {String} sender The results returned from getFrom().
* @return {String} Only the email address.
function extractEmailAddress(sender) {
var regex = /\<([^\@]+\@[^\>]+)\>/;
var email = sender; // Default to using the whole string.
var match = regex.exec(sender);
if (match) {
email = match[1];
return email;
* Builds a card to display information about a recent thread from this sender.
* @param {String} senderEmail The sender email.
* @param {Object} threadData Infomation about the thread to display.
* @return {Card} a card that displays thread information.
function buildRecentThreadCard(senderEmail, threadData) {
var card = CardService.newCardBuilder();
var section = CardService.newCardSection()
.setHeader("<font color=\"#1257e0\">Recent thread</font>");
.setTopLabel('Number of messages')
.setTopLabel('Last updated')
var threadLink = CardService.newOpenLink()
var button = CardService.newTextButton()
.setText('Open Thread')
return card.build();
function build_login_card(){
var card = CardService.newCardBuilder();
card.setHeader(CardService.newCardHeader().setTitle("Login Here"));
var userProperties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();
var Token = userProperties.setProperty('Token',"Token");
return card.build()