这是一个例子,我举了一个椭圆作为例子,你显然可以用你的刺激来代替它。Enter 和 Return 是单独的键,我不确定您要查找的是哪个键,因此在示例中循环查找其中任何一个。
%% include at top of experiment / block
waitForResponseSeconds = 16; % number of second to wait for a response
enterKey = KbName('enter'); % numeric code for enter key
returnKeys = KbName('return'); % numeric code for return key(s)
responseKeys = [enterKey returnKeys];
wPtr = Screen('OpenWindow', 0, 0, [0 0 400 400]);
%% within the trial loop:
hasResponded = 0;
% present the stimulus (here the window pointer is called wPtr, you may
% need to adjust this depending on what you named the window pointer.
Screen('FillOval', wPtr, [100 0 100], [0 0 400 400]);
[~, Onset] = Screen('Flip', wPtr);
while ~hasResponded && ((GetSecs - Onset) <= waitForResponseSeconds)
[keyIsDown, secs, keyCode] = KbCheck;
if any(keyCode(responseKeys))
rt = 1000.*(secs-Onset); % get response time
hasResponded = 1;
% Wait 1 ms before checking again to prevent
% overload of the machine at elevated priority
%% end of exp