不确定您是否找到了答案,但我今天一直在寻找相同的解决方案,最后最终制定了自己的解决方案。下面的代码是我刚刚创建的类,它适用于 PHP 数组和对象,并且可以递归到无限数量的维度。
$display = new Array_Functions();
class Array_Functions {
public $number_of_tabs = 3; # The default number of tabs to use when branching out
private $counter = 0; # The counter to use for the number of tab iterations to use on the current branch
public $display_square_brackets = TRUE;
public $display_squiggly_brackets = FALSE;
public $display_parenthesis = FALSE;
public $display_apostrophe = TRUE;
public $display_quotes = FALSE;
public function __construct(){
* Displays the array in an organized heirarchy and even does so recursively
* $array ARRAY - The array to display in a heirarchy
* $key_bookends STRING - The character to place on either side of the array key when printed
* @@ square - Displays a set of square brackets around the key (DEFAULT)
* @@ squiggly - Displays a set of squiggly brackets around the key
* @@ parenthesis - Displays a set of parenthesis around the key
* @@ FALSE - Turns off the display of bookends around the array key
* $key_padding STRING - The padding to use around the array key with printed
* @@ quotes - Pads the array key with double quotes when printed
* @@ apostrophe - Pads the array key with apostrophes when printed (DEFAULT)
* @@ FALSE - Turns off the display of padding around the array key
* $number_of_tabs_to_use INT - The number of tabs to use when a sub array within the array creates a branch in the heirarchy
public function display_hierarchy($array, $key_bookends = '', $key_padding = '', $number_of_tabs_to_use = ''){
# Convert the input to a JSON and then back to an array just to make sure we know what we're working with
$array = $this->convert_object_to_array($array);
# If the $array variable is still not an array, then error out.
# We're not going to fool around with your stupidity
if(gettype($array) != 'array'){
echo 'Value submitted was '.strtoupper(gettype($array)).' instead of ARRAY or OBJECT. Only arrays or OBJECTS are allowed Terminating execution.';
# Establish the bookend variables
if($key_bookends != '' || !$key_bookends){
if(strtolower($key_bookends) == 'square'){
$this->display_square_brackets = TRUE;
$this->display_squiggly_brackets = FALSE;
$this->display_parenthesis = FALSE;
}elseif(strtolower($key_bookends) == 'squiggly'){
$this->display_square_brackets = TRUE;
$this->display_squiggly_brackets = TRUE;
$this->display_parenthesis = FALSE;
}elseif(strtolower($key_bookends) == 'parenthesis'){
$this->display_square_brackets = FALSE;
$this->display_squiggly_brackets = FALSE;
$this->display_parenthesis = TRUE;
$this->display_square_brackets = FALSE;
$this->display_squiggly_brackets = FALSE;
$this->display_parenthesis = FALSE;
# Establish the padding variables
if($key_padding != '' || !$key_padding){
if(strtolower($key_padding) == 'apostrophe'){
$this->display_apostrophe = TRUE;
$this->display_quotes = FALSE;
}elseif(strtolower($key_padding) == 'quotes'){
$this->display_apostrophe = FALSE;
$this->display_quotes = TRUE;
$this->display_apostrophe = FALSE;
$this->display_quotes = FALSE;
# Establish variable for the number of tabs
if(isset($number_of_tabs_to_use) && $number_of_tabs_to_use != ''){
$this->number_of_tabs = $number_of_tabs_to_use;
foreach($array as $key => $value){
echo $this->display_padding($key)." => {<BR>";
echo '} <BR>';
echo $this->display_padding($key)." => ".$value.'<BR>';
# Inserts tab spaces for sub arrays when a sub array triggers a branch in the heirarchy
# Helps to make the display more human readable and easier to understand
private function insert_tabs(){
for($i=1; $i<=$this->counter; $i++){
for($x=1; $x<=$this->number_of_tabs; $x++){
echo ' ';
# Takes a PHP object and converts it to an array
# Works with single dimension and multidimensional arrays
public function convert_object_to_array($object){
$object = json_decode(json_encode($object), TRUE);
return $object;
# Sets the displayed padding around the array keys when printed on the screen
public function display_padding($value){
$default_container = "['VALUE_TO_REPLACE']";
$value = str_replace("VALUE_TO_REPLACE", $value, $default_container);
$value = str_replace('[', '{', $value);
$value = str_replace(']', '}', $value);
$value = str_replace('[', '(', $value);
$value = str_replace(']', ')', $value);
$value = str_replace('[', '', $value);
$value = str_replace(']', '', $value);
$value = str_replace("'", '"', $value);
$value = str_replace("'", '', $value);
return $value;