Node 允许您开箱即用的单独进程。(线程是另一回事 - 唉,没有 WebWorkers :( 虽然你可以在某个地方找到一个线程插件库。
编辑:自从我最初发布这个答案以来,节点已经添加了 worker_threads。还没有尝试过/不知道他们是否与更好的sqlite一起工作。结束编辑
问题是如何处理 io 流和信号等以进行控制并不是很明显,并且取决于您是在 Windows 上运行还是在 posix 上运行而有所不同。
我使用将静默选项设置为 true 的分叉子进程来执行同步数据库工作。
如果您需要在同步操作期间控制该过程或进度更新报告回您的 gui 的主过程;我通过在我的子进程代码中的各个点使用 fileSystem writeFileSync / readFileSync 读取/写入子进程 stdin/out 来控制/与子进程通信(在同步操作期间您不能使用正常的进程间通信 API,因为那是事件驱动,在同步代码运行时无法操作。虽然你可以混合搭配两种类型的io)
//parent.js and child.js in same folder
process.on('exit', (code) => {
console.log(`Parent to exit with code: ${code}`);
const readLine = require("readline") ;
const cp = require('child_process');
var forkOptions = {
//execArgv:['--inspect-brk'], // uncomment if debugging the child process
silent:true // child gets own std pipes (important) whch are piped to parent
var childOptions = [] ;
const child = cp.fork(`./child.js`,childOptions,forkOptions);
//for messages sent from child via writeSync
const childChannel = readLine.createInterface({
input: child.stdout
console.log("writeSync message received from child: " + input) ;
//for messages sent from child via process.send
child.on('message', (m) => {
console.log("process.send message received from child: " + m) ;
// Child.js
process.on('exit', (code) => {
console.log(`Child to exit with code: ${code}`);
const fs = require('fs');
function doSyncStuff(){
for(let i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i++){
//eg. sync db calls happening here
process.send(`Hello via process.send from child. i = ${i} \n`); // async commms . picked up by parent's "child.on" event
fs.writeFileSync(process.stdout.fd,`Hello via writeFileSync from child. i = ${i} \n`) ; // sync comms. picked up by parent's readLine listener ("process" here is the child )