Author: Juan Suarez
// Class : CS1102 ~ java
// Date : 01/30/2018
// Topic : This porblem set focuse on the implemantation of an
// ADT for rational numbers.
public class RationalC implements Rational {
private int num;
private int den;
// ****************** 构造函数 ***************************** *****
public RationalC (int numerator, int denominator) {
if (this.den == 0){
throw new ArithmeticException("*** WARNING! input non zero denominator");
int reduceFraction = gcd(numerator, denominator);
this.num = numerator / reduceFraction;
this.den = denominator / reduceFraction;
if (this.den < 0) {
this.den = this.den * -1;
this.num = this.num * -1;
//********************* GETTERS *************************** **********
public int getNumerator() { return this.num; }
public int getDenominator() { return this.den; }
public boolean equal(Rational b) {
a = this.getNumerator == b.getNumerator;
v = this.getDenominator == b.getDenominator;
return a && v;
// ******************* 操作 *************************** ******
//return this + that
public RationalC plus(Rational b) {
int commonDenominator = this.getDenominator() * b.getDenominator();
int num1 = b.getDenominator() * this.getNumerator();
int num2 = b.getNumerator() * this.getDenominator();
int complete = num1 + num2;
return new RationalC (complete, commonDenominator);
//returns this - that
public RationalC subtract(Rational b) {
int commonDenominator = this.getDenominator() * b.getDenominator();
int num1 = b.getDenominator() * this.getNumerator();
int num2 = b.getNumerator() * this.getDenominator();
int complete = num1 - num2;
return new RationalC (complete, commonDenominator);
// return this * that
public Rational multiply(Rational b){
int top = this.getNumerator() * b.getNumerator();
int bottom = this.getDenominator() * b.getDenominator();
return new RationalC (top, bottom);
//return this / that
public Rational divide(Rational b){
int top = this.getNumerator() * b.getDenominator();
int bottom = this.getDenominator() * b.getNumerator();
return new RationalC (top, bottom);
//retuns value
public boolean equals(Rational b) {
if (num == b.getNumerator() && this.getDenominator() == b.getDenominator() )
//********************* 工具 ************************** ************
//returns the rational number to a string
public String toString() {
return "(" + this.num + "," + this.den + ")";
//returns -1 , 0, +1 if the value of the rational is <, >, or =
public int compareTo(Rational b) {
long leftHand = this.getNumerator() * b.getDenominator();
long rightHand = this.getDenominator() * b.getNumerator();
if (leftHand < rightHand) return -1;
if (leftHand > rightHand) return +1;
return 0;
private static int gcd(int m, int n) {
if(m < 0) m = -m;
if(n < 0) n = -n;
return m * (n / gcd(m,n));
public Rational reciprical(Rational b){
return new RationalC (this.getDenominator(), this.getNumerator() );
//************************ 测试单元 *************************** *********
public static void main(String[] args) {
x = new Rational (1,2);
y = new Rational (1,3);
z = x.plus(y);