I recently used sonarqube api to create a dynamic quality gate, it increases or decreases the acceptable number for the project, according to the number of lines of code, but I'm having some problems ...

It works like this, after the analysis I use the number of lines and calculate the quality gate to increase or lower the acceptable limit

I use the sonar line count itself to avoid mismatching information, but whenever I update a quality gate, the project status is not updated.

For example, if a project was with the quality gate with the status "Passed", after I update the quality gate, it should change the status to "Failed", but it remains "Passed" because I did not perform a new analysis.

How can I request pro sonar to re-execute the project status according to the quality gate change?

I'm using sonarqube 6.0



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顺便说一句:看起来您正在尝试破解 SonarQube 功能,我不建议您这样做,因为您肯定会遇到问题。相反,我强烈建议您阅读“漏水改变了技术债务管理的游戏”,并考虑使用将重点放在新代码上的内置质量门:这是随着时间的推移提高代码质量的最佳和最简单的方法几乎不费力,也没有摩擦。

于 2018-01-30T11:00:17.620 回答