

4 回答 4



listBox1.SelectedIndex = listBox1.Items.Count - 1;    
listBox1.SelectedIndex = -1;
于 2012-04-20T14:07:25.423 回答

此示例代码应该可以帮助您。我已经用 TextBox 做了很多次,但花了一段时间才弄清楚 ListBox

显然,它只是一个带有 Button 和 ListBox 的 Form。修改以满足您的需求:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    listBox1.Items.Add("Some Text " + listBox1.Items.Count.ToString());

    //The max number of items that the listbox can display at a time
    int NumberOfItems = listBox1.ClientSize.Height / listBox1.ItemHeight;

    if (listBox1.TopIndex == listBox1.Items.Count - NumberOfItems - 1)
        //The item at the top when you can just see the bottom item
        listBox1.TopIndex = listBox1.Items.Count - NumberOfItems + 1;
于 2009-02-03T22:40:27.883 回答


基本思想是,它通过使用 IndexToPoint 方法和列表框底部的一个点来判断它是否滚动到底部,以查看最后一项是否在该位置。这有一个小缺陷,如果最后一个项目位于底部但不完全可见,它仍会认为它已滚动到底部。

它使用 TopIndex 属性来滚动列表框。请注意,将 TopIndex 设置为列表框中的最后一项时,如果有足够的空间容纳其他项,它实际上不会将其放在顶部。在这种情况下,它将把它放在底部,这就是你想要的。

它还有一些额外的代码,通过在列表填满后删除顶部的项目,将列表中的项目数量保持在最大数量(由常量 MAX_LISTBOX_ITEMS 在其他地方定义)。当它这样做时,它会找出需要滚动列表的位置,以保持相同的项目即使在删除后仍显示。如果您不关心控制添加到列表框中的项目数量,您应该能够从代码中删除中间的 if 子句以及任何提到的 scrollToIndex 变量。

private void AddItemToListBox(ListBox listBox, object newItem)
        int scrollToIndex = -1;
        bool scrollToEnd = false;

        //Work out if we should scroll to the end after adding a new item
        int lastIndex = listBox.IndexFromPoint(4, listBox.ClientSize.Height - 4);
        if ((lastIndex < 0) || (lastIndex == listBox.Items.Count - 1))
            scrollToEnd = true;

        //To prevent listbox jumping about as we delete and scroll

        //Work out if we have too many items and have to delete
        if (listBox.Items.Count >= MAX_LISTBOX_ITEMS)
            //If deleting an item, and not scrolling to the end when new item added anyway,
            //then we will need to scroll to keep in the same place, work out new scroll index
            if (!scrollToEnd)
                scrollToIndex = listBox.TopIndex - 1;
                if (scrollToIndex < 0)
                    scrollToIndex = 0;

            //Remove top item

        //Add new item

        //Scroll if necessary
        if (scrollToEnd)
            listBox.TopIndex = listBox.Items.Count - 1;
        else if (scrollToIndex >= 0)
            listBox.TopIndex = scrollToIndex;

于 2010-10-26T19:31:09.463 回答

我使用与 colithium 类似的方法解决了这个问题,但后来我意识到并发更新存在错误。所以有一个名为 m_previousCount 的类成员,它存储了更新发生之前 ListBox 中的项目数。

我用 ListView 做到了这一点,但它应该对 ListBox 起作用。

在这种情况下,我的 listView1 内容绑定到 listViewModel1.Entries。

private void EventMessageViewModel_PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    listView1.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new ScrollToLastItemDelegate(ScrollToLastItem)); 

/// <summary>
/// Scroll to last item, unless you have scrolled up the list
/// </summary>
private void ScrollToLastItem()
    // Get scrollviewer
    Decorator border = System.Windows.Media.VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(listView1, 0) as Decorator;
    ScrollViewer scrollViewer = border.Child as ScrollViewer;

    double vo = scrollViewer.VerticalOffset;

    // assume they are all the same height
    ListBoxItem lbi = listView1.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(0) as ListBoxItem;

    //The max number of items that the listbox can display at a time
    double NumberOfItemsOnScreen = listView1.ActualHeight / lbi.ActualHeight;

    // use previousCount in case we get multiple updates in one go
    if (m_previousCount > NumberOfItemsOnScreen) // scrollbar should be active
        if (vo < (m_previousCount - NumberOfItemsOnScreen)) // you're not at the bottom
            return; // don't scroll to the last item

    m_previousCount = listView1.Items.Count;

    // scroll to the last item
    listView1.SelectedItem = listView1.Items.GetItemAt(listViewModel1.Entries.Count - 1);

于 2010-06-03T03:17:06.847 回答