我正在尝试使用 turn.js 在翻转时传递多个参数。当前选项仅对 pageNumber 进行了规定,即。
function addPage (page, book) {
//Check if the page is not in the book
if ( ! book. turn( 'hasPage' , page)) {
// Create an element for this page
var element = $ ( '<div />' ). html ( 'Loading…' );
// Add the page
book.turn( 'addPage' , element, page);
// Get the data for this page
$.ajax ({url : "app?method=get-page-content&page=" + page)
.done( function (data) { element. html (data); });
function addPage (page, book) {
// Check if the page is not in the book
if ( ! book. turn( 'hasPage' , page)) {
// Create an element for this page
var element = $ ( '<div />' ). html ( 'Loading…' );
// Add the page
book.turn( 'addPage' , element, page, chapter);
// Get the data for this page
$.ajax ({url : "app?method=get-page-content&page="+
page+ "¤tChapter" + chapter)
.done( function (data) { element. html (data); });