我正在使用 Chef 开源版本 13.6.4,但遇到了 Policyfile 无法解决的问题。我根据下面给出的最简单的食谱创建了一个简单的 Policyfile (cookbooks\test_prospero\default.rb)

root_install_path = 'e:\\prospero'.freeze
node_fqdn = node['fqdn'].to_s.downcase
Chef::Log.info "Detected node : #{node_fqdn}"

Policyfile.rb 是:

name "test_prospero"
default_source :chef_repo, '../'
run_list "test_prospero::default"
cookbook "test_prospero"


Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.16299.192]
(c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

c:\chef-data\chef-repo\policies>chef install
Building policy test_prospero
Expanded run list: recipe[test_prospero::default]
Caching Cookbooks...
Installing test_prospero 0.1.2

Lockfile written to c:/chef-data/chef-repo/policies/Policyfile.lock.json
Policy revision id: 4e4b44089fe5a4ccd6656d419153e6d642d21c3392be2f74126b69f477c59118


Uploading policy to policy group build-group
Using    test_prospero 0.1.2 (8232678b)

c:\chef-data\chef-repo\policies>chef show-policy


* build-group:  4e4b44089f

一旦使用以下配置 client.rb 在一个已经引导的节点上运行:

chef_server_url            "https://chef.sage.ch/organizations/sage-system"
validation_client_name     "sage-system-validator"
file_cache_path            "c:/chef/cache"
file_backup_path           "c:/chef/backup"
cache_options              ({:path => "c:/chef/cache/checksums", :skip_expires => true})
node_name                  "Prospero-9.9.9-RELEASE-Deploy-S1VW1730"
log_level                  :info
log_location               STDOUT
trusted_certs_dir          "c:/chef/trusted_certs"
policy_name                "test_prospero"
policy_group               "build-group"
use_policyfile             true
policy_document_native_api true
current_version = Gem::Version.new(Chef::VERSION)
unless Gem::Requirement.new(">= 12.7").satisfied_by?(current_version)
  puts("!" * 80)
This Chef Repo requires features introduced in Chef 12.7, but you are using
Chef #{Chef::VERSION}. Please upgrade to Chef 12.7 or later.
  puts("!" * 80)

在 dos 提示符下运行 chef-client 我收到以下错误:

Starting Chef Client, version 13.6.4
[2018-01-29T16:48:48+01:00] INFO: *** Chef 13.6.4 ***
[2018-01-29T16:48:48+01:00] INFO: Platform: x64-mingw32
[2018-01-29T16:48:48+01:00] INFO: Chef-client pid: 3288
[2018-01-29T16:48:48+01:00] INFO: The plugin path C:\chef\ohai\plugins does not exist. Skipping...
Using policy 'test_prospero' at revision '4e4b44089fe5a4ccd6656d419153e6d642d21c3392be2f74126b69f477c59118'
[2018-01-29T16:48:55+01:00] INFO: Run List is [["recipe[test_prospero::default]"]]
[2018-01-29T16:48:55+01:00] INFO: Run List expands to [test_prospero::default@0.1.2 (8232678)]
[2018-01-29T16:48:55+01:00] INFO: Starting Chef Run for Prospero-9.9.9-RELEASE-Deploy-S1VW1730
[2018-01-29T16:48:55+01:00] INFO: Running start handlers
[2018-01-29T16:48:55+01:00] INFO: Start handlers complete.
[2018-01-29T16:48:55+01:00] INFO: Error while reporting run start to Data Collector. URL: https://chef.sage.ch/organizations/sage-system/data-collector Exception: 404 -- 404 "Not Found"  (This is n
al if you do not have Chef Automate)
resolving cookbooks for run list: ["test_prospero::default@0.1.2 (8232678)"]
[2018-01-29T16:48:55+01:00] INFO: Loading cookbooks [test_prospero@0.1.2]
Synchronizing Cookbooks:
Installing Cookbook Gems:
Compiling Cookbooks...

Recipe Compile Error

could not find recipe default for cookbook test_prospero

System Info:
ruby=ruby 2.4.2p198 (2017-09-14 revision 59899) [x64-mingw32]

Running handlers:
[2018-01-29T16:48:55+01:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
Running handlers complete
[2018-01-29T16:48:55+01:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
Chef Client failed. 0 resources updated in 06 seconds
[2018-01-29T16:48:55+01:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to c:/chef/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
[2018-01-29T16:48:55+01:00] FATAL: Please provide the contents of the stacktrace.out file if you file a bug report
[2018-01-29T16:48:55+01:00] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::RecipeNotFound: could not find recipe default for cookbook test_prospero

我尝试了各种 default_source 配置,并使用导出功能与厨师零一起运行它,没有问题,阅读文档和其他网站(例如 YoloVer),似乎没有人遇到过同样的情况。

不使用 policyfile 运行相同的说明书不会产生任何错误!

c:\>chef-client -o test_prospero
Starting Chef Client, version 13.6.4
[2018-01-29T17:19:55+01:00] INFO: *** Chef 13.6.4 ***
[2018-01-29T17:19:55+01:00] INFO: Platform: x64-mingw32
[2018-01-29T17:19:55+01:00] INFO: Chef-client pid: 816
[2018-01-29T17:19:55+01:00] INFO: The plugin path C:\chef\ohai\plugins does not exist. Skipping...
[2018-01-29T17:20:01+01:00] WARN: Run List override has been provided.
[2018-01-29T17:20:01+01:00] WARN: Original Run List: []
[2018-01-29T17:20:01+01:00] WARN: Overridden Run List: [recipe[test_prospero]]
[2018-01-29T17:20:01+01:00] INFO: Run List is [recipe[test_prospero]]
[2018-01-29T17:20:01+01:00] INFO: Run List expands to [test_prospero]
[2018-01-29T17:20:01+01:00] INFO: Starting Chef Run for Prospero-9.9.9-RELEASE-Deploy-S1VW1730
[2018-01-29T17:20:01+01:00] INFO: Running start handlers
[2018-01-29T17:20:01+01:00] INFO: Start handlers complete.
[2018-01-29T17:20:02+01:00] INFO: Error while reporting run start to Data Collector. URL: https://chef.sage.ch/organizations/sage-system/data-collector Exception: 404 -- 404 "Not Found"  (This is norm
al if you do not have Chef Automate)
resolving cookbooks for run list: ["test_prospero"]
[2018-01-29T17:20:02+01:00] INFO: Loading cookbooks [test_prospero@0.1.2]
[2018-01-29T17:20:02+01:00] INFO: Skipping removal of obsoleted cookbooks from the cache
Synchronizing Cookbooks:
[2018-01-29T17:20:02+01:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/test_prospero/metadata.rb in the cache.
[2018-01-29T17:20:02+01:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/test_prospero/README.md in the cache.
[2018-01-29T17:20:02+01:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/test_prospero/chefignore in the cache.
[2018-01-29T17:20:02+01:00] INFO: Storing updated cookbooks/test_prospero/recipes/default.rb in the cache.
  - test_prospero (0.1.2)
Installing Cookbook Gems:
Compiling Cookbooks...
[2018-01-29T17:20:02+01:00] INFO: Detected node : s1vw1730.sage.ch
Converging 0 resources
[2018-01-29T17:20:02+01:00] WARN: Skipping final node save because override_runlist was given
[2018-01-29T17:20:02+01:00] INFO: Chef Run complete in 0.896052 seconds
[2018-01-29T17:20:02+01:00] INFO: Skipping removal of unused files from the cache

Running handlers:
[2018-01-29T17:20:02+01:00] INFO: Running report handlers
Running handlers complete
[2018-01-29T17:20:02+01:00] INFO: Report handlers complete
Chef Client finished, 0/0 resources updated in 07 seconds



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于 2018-01-29T17:37:29.493 回答