For the custom requirement, i need to handle displaying of Cell, i.e. In short in my application i subclass NSCell to ImageTextCell (standard form Apple ) and using the same to display the Cell,

When it comes to indentation, i could see, all the element having same indentation, i.e. in my outline view i have two group and each group having more then two child element + three child element (i.e. Non Group Item ) on the top level, But the strange thing is all the element are displaying at the same level, do i need to set anywhere indentation level and should take care of displaying text and image as per indentation level ?


1 回答 1


您的单元格绘图代码可能硬编码0为要从中绘制的 x 坐标,而不是尊重传递给它的单元格边界。简而言之,您不需要做任何特殊的事情来处理缩进;如果没有看到一些代码,我们真的无法提供更多帮助。

于 2011-01-31T10:40:22.210 回答