<div style="height: 85vh;">
<mat-toolbar color="primary" mat-scroll-shrink>
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<mat-sidenav-container fxFlexFill class="example-container">
<mat-sidenav #sidenav fxLayout="column">
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<mat-sidenav-content fxFlexFill>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
<p>Demoing some content to make this thing scroll</p>
我想要发生的是当我向下滚动时让 mat-toolbar 缩小,这在很多网站中都很常见,比如这个:
我不会发布其余的 angular 5 代码,只需按照示例重新创建即可 - 它非常快。