我正在使用 fetch api 获取内容的页面上使用tippyjs 库创建多个动态工具提示。在初始化工具提示时如何访问每个选择器上的数据属性。
<span class="order-tooltip" data-orderid="123456">Order ID 123456</span>
<span class="order-tooltip" data-orderid="454515">Order ID 454515</span>
<span class="order-tooltip" data-orderid="487848">Order ID 487848</span>
<span class="order-tooltip" data-orderid="154214">Order ID 154214</span>
<div id="tooltipTemplate" style="display: none;">
Loading data...
const template = document.querySelector('#tooltipTemplate')
const initialText = template.textContent
const tip = tippy('.order-tooltip', {
animation: 'shift-toward',
arrow: true,
html: '#tooltipTemplate',
onShow() {
// `this` inside callbacks refers to the popper element
const content = this.querySelector('.tippy-content')
if (tip.loading || content.innerHTML !== initialText) return
tip.loading = true
console.log($('.order-tooltip').data('orderid')) // This is not working
var orderid = $(this).data('orderid');
var url = "/fetch_position_tooltip?" + $.param({orderid: orderid})
fetch(url).then(resp => resp.json()).then (responseJSON =>{
content.innerHTML = responseJSON
tip.loading = false
}).catch(e => {
content.innerHTML = 'Loading failed'
tip.loading = false
onHidden() {
const content = this.querySelector('.tippy-content')
content.innerHTML = initialText
// prevent tooltip from displaying over button
popperOptions: {
modifiers: {
preventOverflow: {
enabled: false
hide: {
enabled: false
在实例化工具提示时,我需要访问每个 span 元素的数据属性。我怎么能这样做?