Isabelle 是否可以访问数据类型的各个元素?假设我有以下数据类型:
datatype foo = mat int int int int
fixes A :: foo
是否可以访问 A 的单个元素?或者,修复单个元素 ( fix a b c d :: int
为mat a b c d
Alternatively it is possible to define custom extractor functions when specifying a data type. In your case, for example
datatype foo = Mat (mat_a : int) (mat_b : int) (mat_c : int) (mat_d : int)
would work.
Then you can access the first element of a foo
value x
by mat_a x
, the second by mat_b x
, and so on.
value "mat_a (Mat 1 2 3 4)"
"1" :: "int"