我正在使用moya 库发出 POST 请求。在 TargetType 中,我看不到任何属性来传递参数 [JSON 正文] 以及 POST 请求。在这里,我附上 TargetType
public protocol TargetType {
/// The target's base `URL`.
var baseURL: URL { get }
/// The path to be appended to `baseURL` to form the full `URL`.
var path: String { get }
/// The HTTP method used in the request.
var method: Moya.Method { get }
/// Provides stub data for use in testing.
var sampleData: Data { get }
/// The type of HTTP task to be performed.
var task: Task { get }
/// Whether or not to perform Alamofire validation. Defaults to `false`.
var validate: Bool { get }
/// The headers to be used in the request.
var headers: [String: String]? { get }
public extension TargetType {
var validate: Bool {
return false