

contract  AcceptEth {
    address public owner;
    uint public bal;
    uint public price;
    mapping (address => uint) balance;

    function AcceptEth() {
        // set owner as the address of the one who created the contract
        owner = msg.sender;
        // set the price to 2 ether
        price = 2 ether;

    function accept() payable returns(bool success) {
        // deduct 2 ether from the one person who executed the contract
        balance[msg.sender] -= price;
        // send 2 ether to the owner of this contract
        balance[owner] += price;
        return true;

当我通过 remix 与该合约进行交互时,我收到“处理交易时出现 VM 异常:gas 不足”的错误,它创建了一个交易,gas 价格为 21000000000,当我尝试获得 2 个以太币时值为 0.00 ETH来自执行此方法的任何人。



1 回答 1


我认为你迷失的地方是合约内置了接收和持有以太币的机制。例如,如果您想让您的accept()方法准确接收 2 个以太币(或您设置price的任何值),您可以执行以下操作:

contract  AcceptEth {
    address public owner;
    uint public price;
    mapping (address => uint) balance;

    function AcceptEth() {
        // set owner as the address of the one who created the contract
        owner = msg.sender;
        // set the price to 2 ether
        price = 2 ether;

    function accept() payable {
        // Error out if anything other than 2 ether is sent
        require(msg.value == price);

        // Track that calling account deposited ether
        balance[msg.sender] += msg.value;


0x01 = 50 以太币

0x02 = 20 以太币

该合约已部署,地址为 0xc0。所有地址都可以持有以太币,因此即使是合约本身也有余额。由于它刚刚被部署(并且没有使用任何初始以太币部署),它的余额为 0。

现在说 0x01 调用accept()发送 2 个以太。交易将执行,我们示例中的 3 个地址将具有以下余额:

0x01 = 48 以太币

0x02 = 20 以太币

0xc0 = 2 以太币

现在,假设 0x02 调用accept()TWICE,两次都传递了 2 个以太:

0x01 = 48 以太币

0x02 = 16 以太币

0xc0 = 6 以太币

合约持有发送给它的所有以太币。但是,您的合约还包含状态(balance您在代码中定义的地图),它跟踪谁存放了什么。因此,您从该映射中知道 0x01 存放了 2 个以太币,而 0x02 存放了 4 个以太币。如果你想介绍一种refund()将以太币返回的方法,你可以这样写

function refund(uint amountRequested) public {
  require(amountRequested > 0 && amountRequested <= balance[msg.sender]);

  balance[msg.sender] -= amountRequested;

  msg.sender.transfer(amountRequested); // contract transfers ether to msg.sender's address
于 2018-01-20T00:14:06.317 回答