我正在玩 Esper,学习如何使用更高级的概念。我有一个程序可以触发 3 种不同股票的模拟股票事件。我目前有一个带有 match_recognize 模式 EPL 的模块,如下所示:

module queries;

import events.*;
import configDemo.*;
import annotations.*;

create schema MyTickEvent as TickEvent;

@Description('Compare the difference amount between two stocks')
select * from TickEvent
match_recognize (
measures A.currentPrice as a_currentPrice, B.currentPrice as b_currentPrice, 
A.stockName as a_stockName, B.stockName as b_stockName
pattern (A C* B)
A as A.stockName = firstStock,
B as A.currentPrice - B.currentPrice >= difference and B.stockName = 

如您所见,其中包含三个变量 - firstStock、secondStock、difference。我接受用户的输入,然后在 java 代码中设置变量,如下所示:

    System.out.println("Please enter 3 char stock name for the first stock: ");
    System.out.println("Available stocks: IBM, YAH, MIC");
    first = scanner.nextLine();
    engineHelper.getAdmin().getConfiguration().addVariable("firstStock", String.class, first);

    System.out.println("Please enter 3 char stock name for the second stock: ");
    second = scanner.nextLine();
    engineHelper.getAdmin().getConfiguration().addVariable("secondStock", String.class, second);

    System.out.println("Please enter integer value for stock difference: ");
    difference = scanner.nextInt();
    engineHelper.getAdmin().getConfiguration().addVariable("difference", Integer.class, difference);

如果我只想一次跟踪一个股票对,那效果很好。我正在努力为多对找到一种方法。我希望能够动态地创建/删除/启动/停止对。例如,假设我有 YAH、APP、MIC、GOO 股票。事件开始运行,我决定要跟踪 MIC/GOO 之间超过 X 量的差异。然后我决定我也想跟踪不同数量的 APP/GOO。数据将是这样的:

[IBM,YAH,5] [GOO,APP,3] ....

关于如何做到这一点的任何建议?我想我需要用一组新的变量创建一个新的 EPL 实例。我可以在 java 代码中轻松地做到这一点,但我想尽可能地远离它。我想使用模块文件。由于它本质上是相同的 EPL,因此有一种方法可以将其用作具有不同股票对的多个“实例”的模板。



module context;

import events.*;
import configDemo.*;
import annotations.*;
import main.*;
import subscribers.*;

create schema InitEvent(firstStock string, secondStock string, bias double);

create context TwoStocksContext
initiated by InitEvent as initEvent;

@Description('Compare the difference between two different stocks and make a 
context TwoStocksContext 
select * from TickEvent
match_recognize (
measures A.currentPrice as a_currentPrice, B.currentPrice as b_currentPrice, A.stockCode as a_stockCode, B.stockCode as b_stockCode
pattern (A C* B)
A as A.stockCode =  context.initEvent.firstStock,
B as A.currentPrice - B.currentPrice >=  context.initEvent.bias and 
B.stockCode =  context.initEvent.secondStock

1 回答 1


您可以让 Esper 使用上下文分配语句的多个分区。将变量放入“初始化”事件并发送此事件以分配每个变量。一个例子

create schema InitEvent(firststock string, secondstock string, diff double);

create context AnalyzePerFirstAndSecond initiated by InitEvent as initEvent; // add terminated here if needed

context AnalyzePerFirstAndSecond select .... define A as A.stock = context.initEvent.firststock....

文档章节链接以获得更完整的解决方案... http://esper.espertech.com/release-7.0.0/esper-reference/html_single/index.html#perf-tips-27

于 2018-01-19T13:52:18.223 回答