I am working on webrtc chat app. system1 : peer1, peer3 | system2 : peer2, peer4

What I did ? For video call, I am creating one peer1, peer2, and that peer1 very successfully communicate with peer2 (consider video call only).

What I want to do? I want, peer3 can communicate with new peer4(meanwhile I don't want to disconnect peer1-->peer2).

What happening ? When I am creating peer3, on that time " navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia " getting errors !!!! (I am not using SSL) and new peer3 can't create !.

So, please tell me your suggestions regarding above problem.

It is possible to only peer1 can communicate with other any peer(bidirectional communication)??


1 回答 1


这可能是浏览器无法从网络摄像头捕获视频,如果它被另一个浏览器或同一浏览器中的另一个选项卡使用。例如,我的 Ubuntu 16.04 机器上的 Firefox 57 会表现出这种行为(Chrome 不会)。

于 2018-01-19T10:35:14.233 回答