在运行单向方差分析比较 3 组的平均值后,我想执行事后邓肯测试(在 r 中使用“agricolae”包)。
## run one-way anova
> t1 <- aov(q3a ~ pgy,data = pgy)
> summary(t1)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
pgy 2 13 6.602 5.613 0.00367 **
Residuals 6305 7416 1.176
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
1541 observations deleted due to missingness
## run post-hoc duncan test
> duncan.test(t1,"pgy",group = T, console = T)
Study: t1 ~ "pgy"
Duncan's new multiple range test
for q3a
Mean Square Error: 1.176209
pgy, means
q3a std r Min Max
PGY1 1.604292 1.068133 2656 1 5
PGY2 1.711453 1.126446 2017 1 5
PGY3 1.656269 1.057937 1635 1 5
Groups according to probability of means differences and alpha level( 0.05 )
Means with the same letter are not significantly different.
q3a groups
PGY2 1.711453 a
PGY3 1.656269 ab
PGY1 1.604292 b
然而,输出只告诉我 PGY1 和 PGY2 的平均值是不同的,没有每个组比较的 p 值(事后成对 t 检验将为每个组比较生成 p 值)。
如何从邓肯测试中获得 p 值?