我一直在通过 Google Chrome 开发者控制台测试我的 JavaScript 代码,并修复了所有错误,除了一个说“未捕获的语法错误:意外的令牌:”我在 Stack Overflow 上发现了类似的问题,但我的情况不同。此外,通常当控制台列出错误时,它会提供一个查看错误的链接,该链接将带有红色下划线。但是,这一次控制台列出了错误,但没有用红色下划线标记代码的错误部分。
这是我的 JavaScript 代码:
//when search is clicked run code
//gets search input
var searchTerm= $("#searchTerm").val();
//API url with searchTerm
var url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:ApiSandbox#action=query&titles=Main%20Page&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&format=jsonfm";
//create an AJAX call within .on("Click") function
//We intend to do a GET call (because we are retrieving data from the server)
type: "GET"
url: url,
//code will be paused while other code waiting for this to finish
Async: false,
dataType: json,
Success: function(data){
//How will you test for success of json call function
//Do something when its a function and do something else when it's a failure
Error: function(errorMessage){
//Console out a warning that says something like "error" alert
}); //search
});//document ready