我需要使用 MySQL DB 查询动态地构建复杂的菜单结构。该查询允许定义用户有权使用和查看的菜单项。Menu 结构以经典的父/子关系存储在结果集中,其中每个元素都有自己的 id 并依赖于其父 id。Parent id = 0 表示该元素上方没有父母(它是根):

  1       FLTMGR      0             home        STATO FLOTTA    FLEET STATUS
  2       PSTN        0             map-marker  POSIZIONI       POSITIONS
  3       RTS         0             road        PERCORSI        ROUTES
  4       CHRTS       0             line-charts DIAGRAMMI       CHARTS
  13      MNLS        0             book        MANUALI         MANUALS
  14      RGLTNS      0             bank        NORMATIVE       REGULATIONS
  16      SPD         4             tachometer  VELOCITA'       SPEED
  17      ALT         4             area-chart  ALTITUDINE      ALTITUDE
  18      DST         4             exchange    DISTANZA        DISTANCE
  32      INSTL       13            book        INSTALLAZIONE   SETUP
  33      BASE        32            wrench      BASE            BASE
  34      FLPR        32            wrench      SONDA CARB.     FUAL PROBE

如您所见,元素 33 和 34 在元素 32 下,而元素 32 在元素 13 下,最后元素 13 没有父元素,因为它是根元素(它的 MNU_PARENT 为 0)。话虽如此,我已经开发了我的代码来返回以下内容:

[FLTMGR] => Array(
    [icon] => fa fa-home
    [title] => STATO FLOTTA
[PSTN] => Array(
    [icon] => fa fa-map-marker
    [title] => POSIZIONI
[RTS] => Array(
    [icon] => fa fa-road
    [title] => PERCORSI
[CHRTS] => Array(
    [icon] => fa fa-line-charts
    [title] => DIAGRAMMI
    [sub] => Array(
            [SPD] => Array(
                [icon] => fa fa-tachometer
                [title] => VELOCITÁ
            [ALT] => Array(
                [icon] => fa fa-area-chart
                [title] => ALTITUDINE
            [DST] => Array(
                [icon] => fa fa-exchange
                [title] => DISTANZA
            [GSLN] => Array(
                [icon] => fa fa-tint blink
                [title] => CARBURANTE
[MNLS] => Array(
    [icon] => fa fa-book
    [title] => MANUALI
    [sub] => Array(
        [INSTL] => Array(
            [MNU_ID] => 32
            [MNU_FUNC] => INSTL
            [MNU_PARENT] => 13
            [icon] => fa fa-book
            [title] => INSTALLAZIONE
            [sub] => Array(
                [0] => Array(
                    [MNU_ID] => 33
                    [MNU_FUNC] => BASE
                    [MNU_PARENT] => 32
                    [icon] => fa fa-wrench
                    [title] => BASE
                [1] => Array(
                    [MNU_ID] => 34
                    [MNU_FUNC] => FLPR
                    [MNU_PARENT] => 32
                    [icon] => fa fa-wrench
                    [title] => SONDA CARB.
[RGLTNS] => Array( 
    [icon] => fa fa-bank
    [title] => NORMATIVE

但是,如您所见,我无法在第一级生成正确的结构。换句话说,如果您查看 MNLS 下的 INSTL 元素,则会出现以下错误:

  1. 项目 MNU_ID,MNU_FUNC,MNU_PARENT 不应该在那里(见其他)
  2. 'sub' 下的项目在 1 中具有相同的错误。
  3. 'sub' 下的项目应由 BASE、FLPR 而不是 0 和 1 标识


[FLTMGR] => Array(
    [icon] => fa fa-home
    [title] => STATO FLOTTA
[PSTN] => Array(
    [icon] => fa fa-map-marker
    [title] => POSIZIONI
[RTS] => Array(
    [icon] => fa fa-road
    [title] => PERCORSI
[CHRTS] => Array(
    [icon] => fa fa-line-charts
    [title] => DIAGRAMMI
    [sub] => Array(
            [SPD] => Array(
                [icon] => fa fa-tachometer
                [title] => VELOCITÁ
            [ALT] => Array(
                [icon] => fa fa-area-chart
                [title] => ALTITUDINE
            [DST] => Array(
                [icon] => fa fa-exchange
                [title] => DISTANZA
            [GSLN] => Array(
                [icon] => fa fa-tint blink
                [title] => CARBURANTE
[MNLS] => Array(
    [icon] => fa fa-book
    [title] => MANUALI
    [sub] => Array(
        [INSTL] => Array(
            [icon] => fa fa-book
            [title] => INSTALLAZIONE
            [sub] => Array(
                [BASE] => Array(
                    [icon] => fa fa-wrench
                    [title] => BASE
                [FLPR] => Array( 
                    [icon] => fa fa-wrench
                    [title] => SONDA CARB.
[RGLTNS] => Array(
    [icon] => fa fa-bank
    [title] => NORMATIVE


// $MenuDB contains the Menu structure returned by the DB

// Build the basic structure
$new = array();
foreach ($MenuDB as $a){
    $new[$a['MNU_PARENT']][] = $a;

// Calls the recursive function CreateTree 
$tree = createTree($new, $new[0]);  

// Make final correction (remove unwanted items and replace index with keys)


function replaceKeys(array $input) {    
    foreach($input as $key => &$val){                   // Scan the input array, each element will go in $val, the key will be $key
        $input[$val['MNU_FUNC']]=$input[$key];          // Replace index with key, the key is the value of the field MNU_FUNC
        if(is_numeric($key)) unset($input[$key]);       // Remove the item with numeric key (index) and leave the item with non-numeric index (key)
        unset($val['MNU_ID']);                          // Remove ID
        unset($val['MNU_PARENT']);                      // Remove Parent
        unset($val['MNU_FUNC']);                        // Remove Function
        if(isset($val['sub'])) {                        // avoid to work with undefined items
            if (is_array($val['sub'])) {                // check if there are childs inside the 'sub' item
                $val['sub'] = replaceKeys($val['sub']); // if we have childs, do it again recursively
                unset($val['url']);                     // remove url element if we have childs
                unset($val['url_target']);              // remove url_target element if we have childs
    return $input;

function createTree(&$list, $parent){
    $tree = array();
    foreach ($parent as $k=>$l){
            $l['sub'] = createTree($list, $list[$l['MNU_ID']]);
        $tree[] = $l;
    return $tree;



2 回答 2



function makeTree($array, $parent) {
    $return = [];
    foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
        if ($value['MNU_PARENT'] == $parent) {
            $return[$value['MNU_FUNC']] = [
                'icon' => 'fa fa-' . $value['MNU_ICON'],
                'title' => $value['MNU_TITLE_IT'],
            $subs = false;
            foreach ($array as $search) {
                if ($search['MNU_PARENT'] == $value['MNU_ID']) {
                    $subs = true;
            if ($subs === true) {
                $return[$value['MNU_FUNC']]['subs'] = makeTree($array, $value['MNU_ID']);
    return $return;

$new = makeTree($arr, 0);
于 2018-01-16T10:44:34.540 回答


$new = array();
foreach ($MenuDB as $a){
    $new[$a['MNU_PARENT']][] = $a;

$tree = createTree($new, $new[0]);  



function createTree(&$list, $parent){
    $tree = array();
    foreach ($parent as $k=>$l){
        if(isset($list[$l['MNU_ID']])){                       // check if current element has childs 
            $l['sub'] = createTree($list, $list[$l['MNU_ID']]); // build child structure inside 'sub'
            unset($l['url']);                                    // remove the 'url' item for elements having childs
            unset($l['url_target']);                             // remove the 'url_target' item for elements having childs
        unset($l['MNU_ID']);                                    // remove the 'MNU_ID' item not needed anymore
        unset($l['MNU_PARENT']);                                // remove the 'MNU_PARENT' item not needed anymore
        //$tree[] = $l;
        $tree[$l['MNU_FUNC']]=$l;                               // while $tree[] = $l; will transfer the elements array to $tree using index, this one will will transfer the elements array to $tree using the key $l['MNU_FUNC'] 
        unset($tree[$l['MNU_FUNC']]['MNU_FUNC']);               // remove the 'MNU_FUNC' item not needed anymore 
    return $tree;


于 2018-01-16T11:09:45.127 回答