从您的客户端/前端代码,您将需要通过执行基于表单的发布请求来调用 jsreport 服务器,浏览器需要该请求来启动下载对话框。
您可以将此实用程序代码(取自 jsreport 浏览器 sdk 源代码)放在您自己的代码中的某个位置。
function download (serverUrl, filename, request) {
var requestValues = Object.assign({}, request)
requestValues.options = requestValues.options || {}
requestValues.options['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;filename=' + filename
return render(serverUrl, requestValues)
function render (serverUrl, request) {
var frameName = placeholder || '_blank'
var mapForm = document.createElement('form')
mapForm.target = frameName
mapForm.id = new Date().getTime()
mapForm.method = 'POST'
mapForm.action = serverUrl
function addInput (form, name, value) {
var input = document.createElement('input')
input.type = 'hidden'
input.name = name
input.value = value
function addBody (path, body) {
if (body === undefined) {
for (var key in body) {
if (isObject(body[key])) {
// somehow it skips empty array for template.scripts, this condition fixes that
if (body[key] instanceof Array && body[key].length === 0) {
addInput(mapForm, path + '[' + key + ']', [])
addBody(path + '[' + key + ']', body[key])
} else {
if (body[key] !== undefined && !(body[key] instanceof Array)) {
addInput(mapForm, path + '[' + key + ']', body[key])
addBody('template', request.template)
if (request.options != null) {
addBody('options', request.options)
if (request.data) {
addBody('data', request.data)
var headers = {}
headers['host-cookie'] = document.cookie
addBody('headers', headers)
function submit (i) {
if (i > 10) {
return console.log('Unable to submit render form.')
try {
mapForm.outerHTML = ''
} catch (e) {
setTimeout(function () {
submit(i + 1)
}, 50)
download('http://localhost:5488/your-report-route', 'newfile.pdf', {
template: {
// your options here
data: {
// your data here