我想解码一个 speex 文件并转换成一个 PCM 波。我正在尝试编译他们给出的 speex 示例代码。它没有给出任何编译错误。但是当我运行它时它什么也没做..

在标记为“问题区域”的行之后,甚至 printf 也没有被解雇。代码不知何故崩溃了。你们能帮帮我吗?输出:FRAME_SIZE 320 nbytes 139928553 fprintf 后的循环计数

#include <speex/speex.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/*The frame size in hardcoded for this sample code but it doesn't have to be*/
#define FRAME_SIZE 320      

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    char *outFile;
    FILE *fin;
    FILE *fout;
    /*Holds the audio that will be written to file (16 bits per sample)*/
    short out[FRAME_SIZE];
    /*Speex handle samples as float, so we need an array of floats*/
    float output[FRAME_SIZE];
    char cbits[4096];
    int nbBytes;
    /*Holds the state of the decoder*/
    void *state;
    /*Holds bits so they can be read and written to by the Speex routines*/
    SpeexBits bits;
    int i, tmp;
    long lSize;
    size_t result;
    char *buffer;

    if (argc != 2)
        printf("Warning: 2 arguments needed!\n");
        return 0;
    /*Create a new decoder state in narrowband mode*/
    state = speex_decoder_init(&speex_nb_mode);

    /*Set the perceptual enhancement on*/ 
    speex_decoder_ctl(state, SPEEX_SET_ENH, &tmp);

    outFile = argv[1];
    if ((fin = fopen(outFile, "r+")) == NULL)
        printf("Warning: Cannot open file!\n");
        return 0;
    if ((fout = fopen("newFile.wav", "w+")) == NULL)
        printf("Warning: Cannot open file!\n");
        return 0;

    /*Initialization of the structure that holds the bits*/
    printf("FRAME SIZE: %i\n", FRAME_SIZE);

    while (!(feof(fin)))

        /*Read the size encoded by sampleenc, this part will likely be 
          different in your application*/

        fread(&nbBytes, sizeof(int), 1, fin);
        fprintf (stderr, "nbBytes: %d\n", nbBytes); //It's reading the bytes and storing successfully
        printf("loop count after fprintf \n" );

        /*Read the "packet" encoded by sampleenc*/
        fread(cbits, 1, nbBytes, fin); // Problem area
        printf("after fread \n" );

        /*Copy the data into the bit-stream struct*/
        speex_bits_read_from(&bits, cbits, nbBytes);

        /*Decode the data*/
        speex_decode(state, &bits, output);

        /*Copy from float to short (16 bits) for output*/
        for (i=0;i<FRAME_SIZE;i++){

        printf("loop count after for \n" );

        /*Write the decoded audio to file*/
        fwrite(out, sizeof(short), FRAME_SIZE, fout);

        printf("loop count\n" );

    /*Destroy the decoder state*/
    /*Destroy the bit-stream truct*/
    return 0;

3 回答 3


printf() 通常不是衡量崩溃的好方法。使用 fprintf(stderr, ... 代替。printf() 的输出被缓冲,到 stderr 的输出不是。我怀疑你的问题稍后会出现。

于 2011-01-28T03:03:29.150 回答

正如您所写,“nbytetes 值为 1399285583”...

Hexa 值将是 0x5367674F,看起来像是某种字符串头......

于 2011-01-28T03:02:05.220 回答

这段代码对 int 和 short 的大小做了很多假设。我猜想示例代码假定 int 是 32 位,您可能使用的是 64 位整数。这足以让它失败。无论如何,根据您提供的信息很难判断。

于 2011-01-28T03:02:59.080 回答