In our project, we want to use my custom check-in policy in TFS because sometimes temporary developers need to check-in some code in the repository, but they do not carry out our project requirements. I wrote check-in policy that prevents this, but I think deploying of policy on a client by VSIX-package or registry is not a right way because a user can ignore installation of our custom policy. Can I install it automatically when a developer wants to check-in some changes into our repository?

I have got a TFS 2015 and Visual Studio >= 2015.

Thanks in advance


1 回答 1



在这种情况下,我建议使用门控签入构建。这将适用于任何尝试提交 TFS 的开发人员(可以为 TFS 管理员启用覆盖以应对紧急情况),并允许您强制执行您需要的任何质量控制。如果构建成功,TFS 允许提交。如果构建失败,它将拒绝提交,Visual Studio 会将更改留在开发人员的计算机上,直到他们解决问题并再次尝试提交。

于 2018-01-11T19:15:16.990 回答