我已将 shakacode 文档跟踪到 T,但无法将 react_on_rails 集成到我现有的应用程序中。当我跑

$ foreman start -f Procfile.dev


10:28:24 web.1    | started with pid 36003

10:28:24 client.1 | started with pid 36004

10:28:26 client.1 | ReactOnRails: Set generated_assets_dir to default: public/webpack/development
10:28:26 web.1    | => Booting Puma

10:28:26 web.1    | => Rails 5.1.4 application starting in development 

10:28:26 web.1    | => Run `rails server -h` for more startup options

10:28:26 web.1    | ReactOnRails: Set generated_assets_dir to default: public/webpack/development

10:28:27 client.1 | yarn check v1.1.0

10:28:27 web.1    | yarn check v1.1.0

10:28:27 client.1 | success Folder in sync.

10:28:27 client.1 | Done in 0.21s.

10:28:27 web.1    | success Folder in sync.

10:28:27 web.1    | Done in 0.21s.

10:28:28 client.1 | Unknown switches '-w'

10:28:28 client.1 | exited with code 15

10:28:28 system   | sending SIGTERM to all processes

10:28:28 web.1    | Exiting

10:28:28 web.1    | terminated by SIG

我还是个新手,所以我无法准确地解读出什么问题 - 任何帮助都将不胜感激。


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