In other words, can the following be optimized to Just [1..]
> sequence (map Just [1..])
*** Exception: stack overflow
There is also a more specific example in data61/fp-course
where early termination is expected iff an Empty
value is present.
seqOptional ::
List (Optional a)
-> Optional (List a)
seqOptional =
foldRight f (Full Nil)
f Empty _ = Empty
f _ Empty = Empty
f (Full a) (Full as) = Full (a :. as)
Why does changing order of the first two patterns make function loop forever as if Empty
cannot be ever matched? I vaguely understand that such definition would make f
strict in the infinite list, but I don't see what is actually causing this.
Or are these unrelated problems?
Side question: does it matter that stack is exhausted and not heap?