I have a bunch of work that needs to be performed at specific time intervals. However, we have limited resources to do that work, each day. Therefore, I am trying to optimize the start time dates (start time dates can only be moved forward not backward) so that resources used everyday are more less similar to what we have budgeted for.

These functions are used in example below::

# Function to shift/rotate a vector
shifter <- function(x, n = 1) {
  if (n == 0) x else c(tail(x, -n), head(x, n))

# Getting a range of dates
get_date_range <- function(current_date = Sys.Date(), next_planned_date = Sys.Date() + 5)
  seq.Date(as.Date(current_date), as.Date(next_planned_date), "days")

Assume a toy example dataset :: Here task P1 starts on 14th while P2 starts on 15th. Value of zero means that no work is done for that task on that day.

datain = data.frame(dated = c("2018-12-14", "2018-12-15", "2018-12-16", "2018-12-17"), 
                    P1 = c(1,2,0,3), P2 = c(0,4,0,6)) %>%
  mutate(dated = as.character(dated)) 

#The amount of resources that can be  used in a day
max_work = 4

# We will use all the possible combination of start dates to 
# search for the best one
possible_start_dates <- do.call(expand.grid, date_range_of_all)

# Utilisation stores the capacity used during each 
# combination of start dates
# We will use the minimum of thse utilisation
utilisation <- NULL # utilisation difference; absolute value
utilisation_act <-  NULL # actual utilisation including negative utilisation

# copy of data for making changes
ndatain <- datain
# Move data across possible start dates and 
# calculate the possible utilisation in each movements
for(i in 1:nrow(possible_start_dates)) # for every combination
  for(j in 1:ncol(possible_start_dates)) # for every plan
    # Number of days that are different
    days_diff = difftime(oriz_start_date[["Plan_Start_Date"]][j], 
                         possible_start_dates[i,j], tz = "UTC", units = "days" ) %>% as.numeric()
    # Move the start dates
    ndatain[, (j+1)] <- shifter(datain[, (j+1)], days_diff)
  if(is.null(utilisation)) # first iteration
    # calculate the utilisation
    utilisation = c(i, abs(max_work - rowSums(ndatain %>% select(-dated))))
    utilisation_act <- c(i, max_work - rowSums(ndatain %>% select(-dated)))
  }else{ # everything except first iteration
    utilisation = rbind(utilisation, c(i,abs(max_work - rowSums(ndatain %>% select(-dated)))))
    utilisation_act <- rbind(utilisation_act, c(i, max_work - rowSums(ndatain %>% select(-dated))))


# convert matrix to dataframe 
row.names(utilisation) <-  paste0("Row", 1:nrow(utilisation))
utilisation <- as.data.frame(utilisation)

row.names(utilisation_act) <-  paste0("Row", 1:nrow(utilisation_act))
utilisation_act <- as.data.frame(utilisation_act)

# Total utilisation
tot_util = rowSums(utilisation[-1])

# replace negative utilisation with zero
utilisation_act[utilisation_act < 0]  <- 0
tot_util_act = rowSums(utilisation_act[-1])

# Index of all possible start dates producing minimum utilization changes
indx_min_all = which(min(tot_util) == tot_util)
indx_min_all_act = which(min(tot_util_act) == tot_util_act)

# The minimum possible dates that are minimum of actual utilisation
candidate_dates <- possible_start_dates[intersect(indx_min_all, indx_min_all_act), ]

# Now check which of them are closest to the current starting dates; so that the movement is not much
time_diff <- c()
for(i in 1:nrow(candidate_dates))
  # we will add this value in inner loop so here we 
  timediff_indv <- 0
  for(j in 1:ncol(candidate_dates))
    diff_days <- difftime(oriz_start_date[["Plan_Start_Date"]][j], 
                          candidate_dates[i,j], tz = "UTC", units = "days" ) %>% as.numeric()
    # print(oriz_start_date[["Plan_Start_Date"]][j])
    # print(candidate_dates[i,j])
    # print(diff_days)

    timediff_indv <- timediff_indv + diff_days
  time_diff <- c(time_diff, timediff_indv)

# Alternatives
fin_dates  <-  candidate_dates[min(time_diff) == time_diff, ]

The above code runs well and produces the expected output; however it does not scale well. I have very large dataset (Two years worth of work and for more than thousand different tasks repeating in intervals) and searching through every possible combination is not a viable option. Are there ways I can formulate this problem as a standard optimization problem and use Rglpk or Rcplex or some even better solution. Thanks for inputs.


1 回答 1


这是我最长的 StackOverflow 答案,但我真的很喜欢优化问题。这是所谓的单台机器作业车间问题的变体,Rcplex如果您首先将其表述为LP-model ,您也许可以解决这个问题。然而,这些公式的扩展性通常很差,并且计算时间可能会成倍增长,具体取决于公式。对于大问题,使用启发式算法是很常见的,例如遗传算法,这是我在这种情况下经常使用的。它不能保证给出最佳解决方案,但它可以让我们更好地控制性能与运行时间,并且解决方案通常可以很好地扩展。基本上,它通过创建大量随机解决方案(称为总体)来工作。然后我们通过组合解决方案来迭代更新这个群体以产生“后代”,其中更好的解决方案应该有更高的概率产生后代。


示例实现的代码如下所示。我生成了一些200日期和80任务的数据。它10在我的笔记本电脑上运行大约几秒钟,将随机解决方案的分数提高了65%from 2634to 913。通过输入700日期和1000任务,该算法仍然在几分钟内以相同的参数运行。




     dated P1 P2 P3 P4 P5                dated P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
2018-12-14  0  0  0  0  0           2018-12-14  0  0  3  1  0
2018-12-15  0  0  0  0  0           2018-12-15  0  3  0  0  1
2018-12-16  0  0  0  0  0   ---->   2018-12-16  0  0  3  1  0
2018-12-17  0  3  3  1  1           2018-12-17  0  3  0  0  1
2018-12-18  4  0  0  0  0           2018-12-18  4  0  0  0  0
2018-12-19  4  3  3  1  1           2018-12-19  4  0  0  0  0



### PARAMETERS -------------------------------------------

n_population = 100 # the number of solutions in a population
n_iterations = 100 # The number of iterations
n_offspring_per_iter = 80 # number of offspring to create per iteration
max_shift_days = 20 # Maximum number of days we can shift a task forward
frac_perm_init = 0.25 # fraction of columns to change from default solution while creating initial solutions
early_stopping_rounds = 100 # Stop if score not improved for this amount of iterations
capacity_per_day = 4

use_your_own_sample_data = FALSE # set to TRUE to use your own test case

### SAMPLE DATA -------------------------------------------------
# datain should contain the following columns:
# dated: A column with sequential dates
# P1, P2, ...: columns with values for workload of task x per date

n_days = 200
n_tasks = 80

  # my sample data:
  datain = data.frame(dated = seq(Sys.Date()-n_days,Sys.Date(),1))
  # add some random tasks
  for(i in 1:n_tasks)
    datain[[paste0('P',i)]] = rep(0,nrow(datain))
    rand_start = sample(seq(1,nrow(datain)-5),1)
    datain[[paste0('P',i)]][seq(rand_start,rand_start+4)] = sample(0:5,5,replace = T)
}  else 
  # your sample data:
  datain = data.frame(dated = c("2018-12-14", "2018-12-15", "2018-12-16", "2018-12-17","2018-12-18","2018-12-19"), 
                      P1 = c(0,0,0,0,4,4), P2 = c(0,0,0,3,0,3), P3=c(0,0,0,3,0,3), P4=c(0,0,0,1,0,1),P5=c(0,0,0,1,0,1)) %>%
    mutate(dated = as.Date(dated,format='%Y-%m-%d')) 
tasks = setdiff(colnames(datain),c("dated","capacity")) # a list of all tasks
# the following vector contains for each task its maximum start date
max_date_per_task = lapply(datain[,tasks],function(x) datain$dated[which(x>0)[1]])

### ALL OUR PREDEFINED FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------

# helper function to shift a task
shifter <- function(x, n = 1) {
  if (n == 0) x else c(tail(x, n), head(x, -n))

# Score a solution
# We calculate the score by taking the sum of the squares of our overcapacity (so we punish very large overcapacity on a day)
score_solution <- function(solution,tasks,capacity_per_day)
  cap_left = capacity_per_day-rowSums(solution[,tasks]) # calculate spare capacity
  over_capacity = sum(cap_left[cap_left<0]^2) # sum of squares of overcapacity (negatives)

# Merge solutions
# Get approx. 50% of tasks from solution1, and the remaining tasks from solution 2.
merge_solutions <- function(solution1,solution2,tasks)
  tasks_from_solution_1 = sample(tasks,round(length(tasks)/2))
  tasks_from_solution_2 = setdiff(tasks,tasks_from_solution_1)
  new_solution = cbind(solution1[,'dated',drop=F],solution1[,tasks_from_solution_1,drop=F],solution2[,tasks_from_solution_2,drop=F])

# Randomize solution
# Create an initial solution
randomize_solution <- function(solution,max_date_per_task,tasks,tasks_to_change=1/8)
  # select some tasks to reschedule
  tasks_to_change = max(1, round(length(tasks)*tasks_to_change))
  selected_tasks <- sample(tasks,tasks_to_change)
  for(task in selected_tasks)
    # shift task between 14 and 0 days forward
    new_start_date <- sample(seq(max_date_per_task[[task]]-max_shift_days,max_date_per_task[[task]],by='day'),1)
    new_start_date <- max(new_start_date,min(solution$dated))
    solution[,task] = shifter(solution[,task],as.numeric(new_start_date-max_date_per_task[[task]]))

# sort population based on scores
sort_pop <- function(population)
  return(population[order(sapply(population,function(x) {x[['score']]}),decreasing = F)])

# return the scores of a population
pop_scores <- function(population)
  sapply(population,function(x) {x[['score']]})

### RUN SCRIPT -------------------------------

# starting score
print(paste0('Starting score: ',score_solution(datain,tasks,capacity_per_day)))

# Create initial population
population = vector('list',n_population)
for(i in 1:n_population)
  # create initial solutions by making changes to the initial solution 
  solution = randomize_solution(datain,max_date_per_task,tasks,frac_perm_init)
  score = score_solution(solution,tasks,capacity_per_day)
  population[[i]] = list('solution' = solution,'score'= score)

population = sort_pop(population)

score_per_iteration <- score_solution(datain,tasks,capacity_per_day)
# Run the algorithm
for(i in 1:n_iterations)
  print(paste0('\n---- Iteration',i,' -----\n'))

  # create some random perturbations in the population
  for(j in 1:10)
    sol_to_change = sample(2:n_population,1)
    new_solution <- randomize_solution(population[[sol_to_change]][['solution']],max_date_per_task,tasks)
    new_score <- score_solution(new_solution,tasks,capacity_per_day)
    population[[sol_to_change]] <- list('solution' = new_solution,'score'= new_score)

  # Create offspring, first determine which solutions to combine
  # determine the probability that a solution will be selected to create offspring (some smoothing)
  probs = sapply(population,function(x) {x[['score']]})
  if(max(probs)==min(probs)){stop('No diversity in population left')}
  probs = 1-(probs-min(probs))/(max(probs)-min(probs))+0.2
  # create combinations
  solutions_to_combine = lapply(1:n_offspring_per_iter, function(y){
    sample(seq(length(population)),2,prob = probs)})
  for(j in 1:n_offspring_per_iter)
    new_solution <- merge_solutions(population[[solutions_to_combine[[j]][1]]][['solution']],
    new_score <- score_solution(new_solution,tasks,capacity_per_day)
    population[[length(population)+1]] <- list('solution' = new_solution,'score'= new_score)
  population = sort_pop(population)
  population= population[1:n_population]
  print(paste0('Best score:',population[[1]]['score']))
  score_per_iteration = c(score_per_iteration,population[[1]]['score'])
    if(score_per_iteration[[i]] == score_per_iteration[[i-10]])
      stop(paste0("Score not improved in the past ",early_stopping_rounds," rounds. Halting algorithm."))

plot(x=seq(0,length(score_per_iteration)-1),y=score_per_iteration,xlab = 'iteration',ylab='score')
final_solution = population[[1]][['solution']]


final_solution = population[[1]][['solution']]

# number of days with workload higher than 10 in initial solution
> 19

# number of days with workload higher than 10 in our solution
> 1
于 2018-01-13T16:14:58.970 回答