我刚刚设法在 Centos 上安装了 Splicemachine,并尝试运行其中一个演示(https://doc.splicemachine.com/onprem_install_demodata.html)。但是在运行 loadsql.sql 时我遇到了这个问题:
call SYSCS_UTIL.IMPORT_DATA('SPLICE' , 'T_HEADER' , null , '/vagrant/splicemachine/demodata/data/theader.csv' , ',' , null , null , 'yyyy-MM-dd' , null , 0 , null , null , null);
ERROR 08006: Insufficient data while reading from the network - expected a minimum of 6 bytes and received only 0 bytes. The connection has been terminated.
ERROR 08006: A network protocol error was encountered and the connection has been terminated: the requested command encountered an unarchitected and implementation-specific condition for which there was no architected message (additional information may be available in the derby.log file on the server)
ERROR 08006: DERBY SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: 08006, SQLERRMC: A communications error has been detected: {0}.::SQLSTATE: XJ001Java exception: 'Yarn application has already ended! It might have been killed or unable to launch application master.: org.apache.spark.SparkException'.
07:33:53,246 (RS:0;localhost:33863) WARN [c.s.d.l.ManagerLoader] - No Manager implementation found.
07:48:49,850 (olap-worker-0) WARN [c.s.d.i.SpliceSpark] - ##############################################################################
07:48:49,854 (olap-worker-0) WARN [c.s.d.i.SpliceSpark] - Initializing Spark with: master = yarn-client
07:48:49,854 (olap-worker-0) WARN [c.s.d.i.SpliceSpark] - ##############################################################################
07:48:59,524 (olap-worker-0) WARN [c.s.d.i.SpliceSpark] - Trying to get local hostname. This could be problem for host with multiple interfaces.
07:48:59,541 (olap-worker-0) WARN [c.s.d.i.SpliceSpark] - For machine with multiple interfaces, please set hbase.master.hostname.
07:37:05,793 (pool-13-thread-1) ERROR [c.s.p.SnappyPipelineCompressor] - No Native Snappy Installed: Splice Machine's Write Pipeline will not compress data over the wire.
07:51:17,005 (olap-worker-0) ERROR [o.a.s.SparkContext] - Error initializing SparkContext.
07:51:19,803 (olap-worker-0) ERROR [o.a.s.u.Utils] - Uncaught exception in thread olap-worker-0
07:51:19,900 (olap-worker-0) ERROR [c.s.o.OlapRequestHandler] - Uncaught exception
07:51:21,662 (olapClientWorker-1) ERROR [c.s.s.StreamListener] - StreamListener failed
PM com.google.inject.servlet.GuiceFilter setPipeline
WARNING: Multiple Servlet injectors detected. This is a warning indicating that you have more than one GuiceFilter running in your web application. If this is deliberate, you may safely ignore this message. If this is NOT deliberate however, your application may not work as expected.