我在 SO 上找到了这段代码,但我是新手,这个 Visualizer 类画得很好,但我想在垂直线之间放置空格,就像 Soundcloud 上的波形看起来一样。

public class VisualizerView extends View {
private static final int LINE_WIDTH = 6; // width of visualizer lines
private static final int LINE_SCALE = 7; // scales visualizer lines
private List<Float> amplitudes;
private int         width; // width of this View
private int         height; // height of this View
private Paint       linePaint;

// constructor
public VisualizerView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(context, attrs);
    linePaint = new Paint(); // create Paint for lines

// called when the dimensions of the View change
protected void onSizeChanged(int width, int height, int oldw, int oldh) {
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;
    this.amplitudes = new ArrayList<>(this.width / LINE_WIDTH);

public void clear() {

public void addAmplitude(float amplitude) {

    // add newest to the amplitudes ArrayList

    // if the power lines completely fill the VisualizerView
    if (amplitudes.size() * LINE_WIDTH >= width) {
        // remove oldest power value

// draw the visualizer with scaled lines representing the amplitudes
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    // get the middle of the View
    int middle = height / 2;

    // start curX at zero
    float curX = 0;

    // for each item in the amplitudes ArrayList
    for (float power : amplitudes) {
        float scaledHeight = power / LINE_SCALE; // scale the power

        // increase X by LINE_WIDTH
        curX += LINE_WIDTH;

        // draw a line representing this item in the amplitudes ArrayList
        float startY = middle + scaledHeight / 2;
        float stopY  = middle - scaledHeight / 2;
        canvas.drawLine(curX, startY, curX, stopY, linePaint);


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