I've created an IoT Edge Deployment through the Azure portal and everything deployed just fine. However, at the end of the deployment steps, I was given a JSON document generated from the Edge Hub with all of my configuration settings. I would like to take that document and use it to deploy the same configuration in a different Azure environment. Is there currently a way to use the generated JSON?
302 次
1 回答
要了解 Azure IoT Edge 部署,可以参考大规模部署和监控 IoT Edge 模块 - 预览
若要将生成的 json 用于部署,您可以保留该文件的本地副本(或从骨架维护您的副本),然后使用该文件创建到不同 IoT Edge 设备的部署。你可以参考这个文档来了解如何从头开始使用 VS Code。
于 2018-01-09T02:39:52.183 回答