I have a large RDF file (in the gigabytes) that I'd like imported into a remote graph database.

The database exposes a Graph Store Protocol endpoint over the RDF4J API. Of the many ingest routes the database supports, the only one acceptable in my scenario is using this endpoint (posting to /statements).

The database is hosted on a cloud provider, and various infrastructure layers (web server, application container) impose upload limits, so I can't just post the file.

Using dotNetRDF, how can I load a lot of RDF into a remote database over Graph Store in chunks?


1 回答 1


WriteToStoreHandler将 RDF 直接写入具有可配置批量大小的存储提供程序。

SesameHttpProtocolConnector是一个支持 RDF4J API 的存储提供程序,其中包括图形存储协议。

var path = "large-rdf-file-path.nt";
var server = "http://example.com/sparql-protocol-base-url";
var repository = "repository-name";
var batchSize = 10;

using (var connector = new SesameHttpProtocolConnector(server, repository))
    var handler = new WriteToStoreHandler(connector, batchSize);

    using (var reader = File.OpenText(path))
        var parser = new NTriplesParser();

        parser.Load(handler, reader);
于 2018-01-08T18:06:18.100 回答