运行 minishift 时将 RH DevelopmentTools 安装到 D: 是否存在已知问题?

我安装到 D:\DevelopmentTools,它创建了一个 C:\Users\rcoe.minishift 目录,RHEL iso 位于该目录中。配置看起来正确:

> D:\DevelopmentSuite>minishift config view
> - iso-url              : file://C:/Users/rcoe/.minishift/cache/iso/minishift-rhel7.iso
> - memory               : 4096
> - vm-driver            : hyperv

然而,当我尝试启动 minishift 时,它无法找到 iso。从错误情况来看,正在搜索 /Users 的驱动器并不明显。它实际上可能会尝试从安装了开发工具的驱动器(即 D:)中解析 /Users 吗?

> D:\DevelopmentSuite>minishift start
> -- Checking if Hyper-V driver is installed ... OK
> -- Checking if Hyper-V driver is configured to use a Virtual Switch ... OK
> -- Checking if user is a member of the Hyper-V Administrators group ... OK
> -- Starting local OpenShift cluster using 'hyperv' hypervisor ...
> -- Minishift VM will be configured with ...    Memory:    4 GB    vCPUs :    2    Disk size: 20 GB
> -- Starting Minishift VM ...... FAIL E0107 11:49:57.549243    3524 start.go:356] Error starting the VM: Error creating the VM. Error
> creating machine: Error in driver during machine creation: open
> /Users/rcoe/.minishift/cache/iso/minishift-rhel7.iso: The system
> cannot find the path specified.. Retrying. Error starting the VM:
> Error creating the VM. Error creating machine: Error in driver during
> machine creation: open
> /Users/rcoe/.minishift/cache/iso/minishift-rhel7.iso: The system
> cannot find the path specified.


我正在从 cmd shell 运行。我在 HyperV 管理员组中。



1 回答 1


迟到总比不到好。虽然我不知道这是什么原因(坦率地说,它看起来不像任何人那样),但它与此有关:https ://github.com/minishift/minishift/issues/236


  1. 放入minishift.exe与文件夹所在相同驱动器的根目录%USERPROFILE%
  2. 从路径中删除 minishift(确保除了直接调用可执行文件外,不能以任何方式调用它)
  3. 从您的用户配置文件驱动器中从提升的 PowerShell(以管理员身份运行 PowerShell)调用可执行文件。例如,如果您的用户配置文件在 F 驱动器上,那么这样的事情将起作用:

    cd F:\
    ./minishift.exe start


于 2018-07-13T14:40:31.397 回答