
traphandle default /usr/sbin/snmptt

将陷阱的信息添加到/var/log/snmptt目录中的日志文件中,但我想让自己的 bash 脚本在收到陷阱时执行。如果我理解得好,我想我可以将它设置为

traphandle default my_script.sh



2 回答 2



   traphandle OID|default PROGRAM [ARGS ...]
          invokes the specified program (with the given arguments) whenever a notification is received that matches the OID  token.   For
          SNMPv2c  and  SNMPv3 notifications, this token will be compared against the snmpTrapOID value taken from the notification.  For
          SNMPv1 traps, the generic and specific trap values and the enterprise OID will be converted into the equivalent OID  (following
          RFC 2576).

          Typically,  the  OID  token  will be the name (or numeric OID) of a NOTIFICATION-TYPE object, and the specified program will be
          invoked for notifications that match this OID exactly.  However this token also supports a simple form of  wildcard  suffixing.
          By  appending  the  character ´*' to the OID token, the corresponding program will be invoked for any notification based within
          subtree rooted at the specified OID.  For example, an OID token of .* would match any enterprise specific  notifica‐
          tion (including the specified OID itself).  An OID token of .* would would work in much the same way, but would not
          match this exact OID - just notifications that lay strictly below this root.  Note that this syntax does not support full regu‐
          lar expressions or wildcards - an OID token of the form oid.*.subids is not valid.

          If the OID field is the token default then the program will be invoked for any notification not matching another (OID specific)
          traphandle entry.

   Details of the notification are fed to the program via its standard input.  Note that this will always use the SNMPv2-style  notifica‐
   tion  format,  with SNMPv1 traps being converted as per RFC 2576, before being passed to the program.  The input format is, if you use
   the default set by the "format execute %B\n%b\n%V\n%v\n", one entry per line:

                 The name of the host that sent the notification, as determined by gethostbyaddr(3).

                 The transport address, like
                 "[UDP: []:23456->[]]"

                 A list of variable bindings describing the contents of the notification, one per line.  The first token on each line (up
                 until  a  space)  is the OID of the varind, and the remainder of the line is its value.  The format of both of these are
                 controlled by the outputOption directive (or similar configuration).

                 The first OID should always be SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime.0, and the second should be SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0.  The remain‐
                 ing  lines  will  contain  the payload varbind list.  For SNMPv1 traps, the final OID will be SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapEnter‐

                 A traptoemail script has been included in the Net-SNMP package that can be used within a traphandle directive:

                 traphandle default /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/traptoemail -s mysmtp.somewhere.com -f admin@somewhere.com me@somewhere.com
于 2018-01-06T21:46:38.957 回答
read host
read ip

while read oid val
  if [ "$vars" = "" ]
    vars="$oid = $val"
    vars="$vars, $oid = $val"

echo trap: $1 $host $ip $vars > /tmp/go.out
于 2021-10-01T08:47:37.917 回答