I'm am trying to setup CloudFront for private content distribution but I keep getting Access Denied errors when I follow the generated URL. To be clear, I have already created the CloudFront distribution, marked it private, created an Origin Access ID which has been given read permission to all the relevant files.
I'v written a simple Python script to generate the URLs using the examples presented on the Amazon webpage for signing URLs and am including the text below:
import os, time
def GetCloudFrontURL(file, expires=86400):
resource = "http://mydistribution.cloudfront.net/" + file
exptime = int(time.time()) + expires
epochtime = str(exptime)
policy = '{"Statement":[{"Resource":"' + resource + '","Condition":{"DateLessThan":{"AWS:EpochTime":' + epochtime + '}}}]}'
signature = os.popen("echo '" + policy + "' | openssl sha1 -sign /path/to/file/pk-" + pk + ".pem | openssl base64 | tr '+=/' '-_~'").read()
signature = signature.replace('\n','')
url = resource + "&Expires=" + epochtime + "&Signature=" + signature + "&Key-Pair-Id=" + pk
return url
Can anybody see anything obviously wrong with what I am doing? I've verified that when I sign the digest using the private key that I can verify it with the public key (provided I do the verification before feeding it through base64 and the translation step).