我为 StatEt 安装了 RJ:

> install.packages(c("rj", "rj.gd"), repos="http://download.walware.de/rj-2.1")
Installiere Pakete nach 'C:/Users/eis/Documents/R/win-library/3.4'
(da 'lib' nicht spezifiziert)
versuche URL 'http://download.walware.de/rj-2.1/bin/windows/contrib/3.4/rj_2.1.0-13.zip'
Content type 'application/zip' length 342681 bytes (334 KB)
downloaded 334 KB

versuche URL 'http://download.walware.de/rj-2.1/bin/windows/contrib/3.4/rj.gd_2.1.0-2.zip'
Content type 'application/zip' length 97222 bytes (94 KB)
downloaded 94 KB

Paket 'rj' erfolgreich ausgepackt und MD5 Summen abgeglichen
Paket 'rj.gd' erfolgreich ausgepackt und MD5 Summen abgeglichen

Die heruntergeladenen Binärpakete sind in 

之后我对 rj 的包描述是:

> packageDescription("rj")
Encoding: UTF-8
Package: rj
Version: 2.1.0-13
Title: RJ - R Package for high-level Java-R library RJ
Author: Stephan Wahlbrink, Tobias Verbeke, low-level R binding based on
        the JRI library by Simon Urbanek
Maintainer: Stephan Wahlbrink <stephan.wahlbrink@walware.de>
Depends: R (>= 2.11.0)
Suggests: rj.gd
SystemRequirements: java
Description: Server implementation and R functions for the high-level
        Java-R library RJ.  The package also includes callback
        functions for StatET.  It is shipped with an adapted version of
        the JRI library.  The package can be used only when R was
        loaded via RJ.
License: LGPL (== 2.1)
URL: http://www.walware.de/goto/opensource
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2017-05-10 08:22:44 UTC; build
Built: R 3.4.0; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2017-05-10 08:25:27 UTC; windows

-- File: C:/Users/eis/Documents/R/win-library/3.4/rj/Meta/package.rds



到 StatEt Eclipse 首选项中的 R_LIBS:

enter image description here

当我尝试使用 RJ 启动控制台运行配置时,出现以下错误

Fehler: Hauptklasse de.walware.rj.server.RMIServerControl konnte nicht gefunden oder geladen werden
Ursache: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: de.walware.rj.server.RMIServerControl


  • Windows 7的
  • Java JDK 9.01,
  • 适用于 JavaScript 和 Web 开发人员的 Eclipse,版本:Oxygen.2 Release (4.7.2)
  • StatET 3.6.1
  • R 版本 3.4.3

    version _
    platform x86_64-w64-mingw32
    arch x86_64
    os mingw32
    system x86_64, mingw32
    major 3
    minor 4.3
    year 2017
    month 11
    day 30
    svn rev 73796
    language R
    version.string R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30) nickname Kite-Eating Tree

=> Is RJ for StatEt compatible to Java9?

=> If so, how can I correctly install RJ for StatEt?

=> How/where do I run R CMD javareconf on windows? I tried in bin folder of r but the argument javareconf is not known.

Related questions and articles:


1 回答 1


RJ 2.1 is not compatible to Java 9.0.1. You can point to different versions of JAVA if you have them installed. Please install Java 8 and select JRE 8 in your run configuration, for example:


I don't change much my R environment configuration R environment config

于 2018-01-04T13:51:12.493 回答