Apologies for the potentially vague question title - I'm not sure how to phrase it because I have a pretty poor understanding of what the problem is.

Basically, how do I make the following compile? :-p

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

class (Monad m) => MyClass m a where
  valM :: m (Maybe a)
  val  :: m a

f :: (MyClass m a) => (m a -> IO a) -> IO (a, Maybe a)
f g = do
  x <- g val
  yM <- g valM
  return (x, yM)

GHC (v8.2.2) complains that a is a rigid type variable and can't seem to cope with the idea that (g val) and (g valM) could produce values of different types. I've tried using RankNTypes but to no avail.

Is there an extension I can use to help the compiler, or is there something conceptually broken with what I'm trying to do from a type-inference point of view?


1 回答 1


你是对的,你需要RankNTypes,但你缺少一个forall. 的正确类型f是:

f :: MyClass m a => (forall b. m b -> IO b) -> IO (a, Maybe a)



type (~>) f g = forall a. f a -> g a


f :: MyClass m a => (m ~> IO) -> IO (a, Maybe a)
于 2018-01-01T21:16:10.277 回答