We're developing a big application using osgi (felix, spring-dm, maven-plugin). I'd like to add to the doc a complete graph of all dependencies (import/export from each bundle). This is both for documentation and to double check if there are wrong versions or incompatible requirement somewhere.

Is there a tool that would go across all the bundle (in jar format) get the manifest file and display the graph? or at least produce a complete list of all the required bundles?

In case it doesn't exist do you think it would be a good idea for us to write it ourselves?


1 回答 1


对于带有 PDE 的 Eclipse 来说,这样的事情已经存在......这里的博客文章显示了一个通用的 PDE 解决方案,而另一个这里显示了 Spring Tool Suite 解决方案

来自通用 PDE 解决方案的图形插件依赖关系视图

安装网址:http: //download.eclipse.org/eclipse/pde/incubator/visualization/site/

项目页面: http: //www.eclipse.org/pde/incubator/dependency-visualization/index.php

有关通用 PDE 解决方案的说明,另请参阅此处的帖子:

  1. Show View -> Plug-in Development -> Graph Plug-in dependencies
  2. 在视图中单击鼠标右键-> 选择 Focus-on
  3. 使用 Eclipse 的标准插件选择器选择插件
  4. 请享用
于 2011-01-26T15:07:39.943 回答