The UML class model is produced and refined iteratively as the understanding of the system increases. There's only one model for your system, although different diagrams may outline different aspects and level of details of this model.
Typically you would start with the domain model based on the requirements (e.g. use cases, user stories, statement of work, user interviews, etc.):
You would then enrich the model with more detailed design diagrams as you design your solution. So you would add any classes required for the implementation (e.g.user interface classes, application controllers, persistence layers, etc.).
Design diagrams are used to get a shared understanding about the software structure within the development team. So they should be easy to understand (i.e.focus on important aspects and not necessarily be cluttered with too many details that would anyhow have to be implemented in code and quickly be outdated if you don't have an army of analysts to update the model).
If you'd use an UML tool able to generate code or if you are contractually obliged to provide all the details in UML form, you would further refine the model with a fully detailed implementation diagram. Attention: for scholar work it is frequent that the teacher asks for a design diagram but expects in reality an implementation diagram.
在面向对象方法中,我们有 3 种主要类型的类图。
在领域建模中,我们使用类图。但是,我们不使用任何继承或任何接口,或对类进行任何预分析。我们只写了这么少的类属性(大约 3 个属性)。我们不编写任何类的方法。为什么?因为抽象。领域建模的主要目标是对领域进行建模。并检测哪些类应该在系统的问题域中。
另一方面,我们可以使用一些分析模式来确定我们的分析类。例如 RUP 引入了边界/控制/实体模式。如果我们决定使用现有的分析模式,我们可以使用模式文档中存在的指南。
我认为1)我们的系统分析师不是系统分析师。也许是系统设计师。2)我们不需要他们的详细信息。分析阶段只是耗时。3) 只有当我们的分析和设计团队相同,或者我们结合分析和设计(如敏捷方法)时,分析中的细节才能合乎逻辑和可用。