
我的精灵更新方法是调用 move,它为每个轴调用 move_single_axis。在这里面我正在做一些碰撞检测,我依靠 pygame 的 rect 类来检测碰撞并设置新位置。

我认为这是问题所在,但我不确定如何解决舍入问题,因为 pygame 的 rect 在后台使用整数。


def update(self, dt, game):
                self.calc_grav(game, dt)
                self.animate(dt, game)

                self._old_position = self._position[:]
                self.move(dt, game)
                self.rect.topleft = self._position

            def move(self, dt, game):
                # Move each axis separately. Note that this checks for collisions both times.
                dx = self.velocity[0]
                dy = self.velocity[1]
                if dx != 0:
                    self.move_single_axis(dx, 0, dt)
                if dy != 0:
                    self.move_single_axis(0, dy, dt)

            def move_single_axis(self, dx, dy, dt):
                #print("hero_destination: ({}, {})".format(dx *dt, dy *dt))
                self._position[0] += dx * dt
                self._position[1] += dy * dt

                #print("Game walls: {}".format(game.walls))
                self.rect.topleft = self._position

                body_sensor = self.get_body_sensor()
                for wall in game.walls:
                    if body_sensor.colliderect(wall.rect):
                        if dx > 0: # Moving right; Hit the left side of the wall
                            #print(" -- Moving right; Hit the left side of the wall")
                            self.rect.right = wall.rect.left
                        if dx < 0: # Moving left; Hit the right side of the wall
                            #print(" -- Moving left; Hit the right side of the wall")
                            self.rect.left = wall.rect.right - self.COLLISION_BOX_OFFSET
                        if dy > 0: # Moving down; Hit the top side of the wall
                            #print(" -- Moving down; Hit the top side of the wall")
                            self.rect.bottom = wall.rect.top
                        if dy < 0: # Moving up; Hit the bottom side of the wall
                            #print(" -- Moving up; Hit the bottom side of the wall")
                            self.rect.top = wall.rect.bottom

                self._position[0] = self.rect.topleft[0]
                self._position[1] = self.rect.topleft[1]


import os.path

import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from pytmx.util_pygame import load_pygame

import pyscroll
import pyscroll.data
from pyscroll.group import PyscrollGroup

# define configuration variables here

HERO_MOVE_SPEED = 200  # pixels per second
GRAVITY = 1000
MAP_FILENAME = 'maps/dungeon_0.tmx'

# simple wrapper to keep the screen resizeable
def init_screen(width, height):
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height), pygame.RESIZABLE)
    return screen

# make loading maps a little easier
def get_map(filename):
    return os.path.join(RESOURCES_DIR, filename)

# make loading images a little easier
def load_image(filename):
    return pygame.image.load(os.path.join(RESOURCES_DIR, filename))

class Hero(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    """ Our Hero

    The Hero has three collision rects, one for the whole sprite "rect" and
    "old_rect", and another to check collisions with walls, called "feet".

    The position list is used because pygame rects are inaccurate for
    positioning sprites; because the values they get are 'rounded down'
    as integers, the sprite would move faster moving left or up.

    Feet is 1/2 as wide as the normal rect, and 8 pixels tall.  This size size
    allows the top of the sprite to overlap walls.  The feet rect is used for
    collisions, while the 'rect' rect is used for drawing.

    There is also an old_rect that is used to reposition the sprite if it
    collides with level walls.

    def __init__(self, map_data_object):

        self.STATE_STANDING = 0
        self.STATE_WALKING = 1
        self.STATE_JUMPING = 2

        self.FRAME_DELAY_STANDING =1
        self.FRAME_DELAY_WALKING = 1
        self.FRAME_DELAY_JUMPING = 1

        self.FACING_RIGHT = 0
        self.FACING_LEFT = 1

        self.MILLISECONDS_TO_SECONDS = 1000.0

        self.COLLISION_BOX_OFFSET = 8

        self.time_in_state = 0.0
        self.current_walking_frame = 0
        self.current_standing_frame = 0
        self.current_jumping_frame = 0
        self.velocity = [0, 0]
        self.state = self.STATE_STANDING
        self.facing = self.FACING_RIGHT
        self._position = [map_data_object.x, map_data_object.y]
        self._old_position = self.position
        self.rect = pygame.Rect(8, 0, self.image.get_rect().width - 8, self.image.get_rect().height)

    def set_state(self, state):
        if self.state != state:
            self.state = state
            self.time_in_state = 0.0

    def load_sprites(self):
        self.spritesheet = Spritesheet('data/art/platformer_template_g.png')
        standing_images = self.spritesheet.images_at((
            pygame.Rect(0, 0, 32, 32),
            ), colorkey= (0,255,81))
        self.standing_images = []
        for standing_image in standing_images:

        self.image = self.standing_images[self.current_standing_frame]

    def position(self):
        return list(self._position)

    def position(self, value):
        self._position = list(value)

    def get_floor_sensor(self):
        return pygame.Rect(self.position[0]+self.COLLISION_BOX_OFFSET, self.position[1]+2, self.rect.width -self.COLLISION_BOX_OFFSET, self.rect.height)

    def get_ceiling_sensor(self):
        return pygame.Rect(self.position[0]+self.COLLISION_BOX_OFFSET, self.position[1]-self.rect.height, self.rect.width, 2)

    def get_body_sensor(self):
        return pygame.Rect(self.position[0]+self.COLLISION_BOX_OFFSET, self.position[1], self.rect.width -self.COLLISION_BOX_OFFSET, self.rect.height)

    def calc_grav(self, game, dt):
        """ Calculate effect of gravity. """
        floor_sensor = self.get_floor_sensor()
        collidelist = floor_sensor.collidelist(game.walls)

        hero_is_airborne = collidelist == -1

        if hero_is_airborne:
            if self.velocity[1] == 0:
                self.velocity[1] = GRAVITY * dt
                self.velocity[1] += GRAVITY * dt

    def update(self, dt, game):
        self.calc_grav(game, dt)
        self._old_position = self._position[:]
        self.move(dt, game)

    def move(self, dt, game):
        # Move each axis separately. Note that this checks for collisions both times.
        dx = self.velocity[0]
        dy = self.velocity[1]
        if dx != 0:
            self.move_single_axis(dx, 0, dt)
        if dy != 0:
            self.move_single_axis(0, dy, dt)
        self.rect.topleft = self._position
    def move_single_axis(self, dx, dy, dt):
        #print("hero_destination: ({}, {})".format(dx *dt, dy *dt))
        self._position[0] += dx * dt
        self._position[1] += dy * dt

        #print("Game walls: {}".format(game.walls))
        self.rect.topleft = self._position

        body_sensor = self.get_body_sensor()
        for wall in game.walls:
            if body_sensor.colliderect(wall.rect):
                if dx > 0: # Moving right; Hit the left side of the wall
                    self.rect.right = wall.rect.left
                if dx < 0: # Moving left; Hit the right side of the wall
                    self.rect.left = wall.rect.right - self.COLLISION_BOX_OFFSET
                if dy > 0: # Moving down; Hit the top side of the wall
                    self.rect.bottom = wall.rect.top
                if dy < 0: # Moving up; Hit the bottom side of the wall
                    self.rect.top = wall.rect.bottom

        self._position[0] = self.rect.topleft[0]
        self._position[1] = self.rect.topleft[1]

class Wall(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
        A sprite extension for all the walls in the game

    def __init__(self, map_data_object):
        self._position = [map_data_object.x, map_data_object.y]
        self.rect = pygame.Rect(
            map_data_object.x, map_data_object.y,
            map_data_object.width, map_data_object.height)

    def position(self):
        return list(self._position)

    def position(self, value):
        self._position = list(value)

class Spritesheet(object):
    def __init__(self, filename):
            self.sheet = pygame.image.load(filename).convert()
        except pygame.error:
            print ('Unable to load spritesheet image: {}').format(filename)
            raise SystemExit
    # Load a specific image from a specific rectangle
    def image_at(self, rectangle, colorkey = None):
        "Loads image from x,y,x+offset,y+offset"
        rect = pygame.Rect(rectangle)
        image = pygame.Surface(rect.size).convert()
        image.blit(self.sheet, (0, 0), rect)
        if colorkey is not None:
            if colorkey is -1:
                colorkey = image.get_at((0,0))
            image.set_colorkey(colorkey, pygame.RLEACCEL)
        return image
    # Load a whole bunch of images and return them as a list
    def images_at(self, rects, colorkey = None):
        "Loads multiple images, supply a list of coordinates"
        return [self.image_at(rect, colorkey) for rect in rects]
class QuestGame(object):
    """ This class is a basic game.

    It also reads input and moves the Hero around the map.
    Finally, it uses a pyscroll group to render the map and Hero.
    This class will load data, create a pyscroll group, a hero object.
    filename = get_map(MAP_FILENAME)

    def __init__(self):

        # true while running
        self.running = False

        self.debug = False

        # load data from pytmx
        self.tmx_data = load_pygame(self.filename)

        # setup level geometry with simple pygame rects, loaded from pytmx
        self.walls = list()
        self.npcs = list()
        for map_object in self.tmx_data.objects:
            if map_object.type == "wall":
            elif map_object.type == "guard":
                print("npc load failed: reimplement npc")
            elif map_object.type == "hero":
                self.hero = Hero(map_object)

        # create new data source for pyscroll
        map_data = pyscroll.data.TiledMapData(self.tmx_data)

        # create new renderer (camera)
        self.map_layer = pyscroll.BufferedRenderer(map_data, screen.get_size(), clamp_camera=True, tall_sprites=1)
        self.map_layer.zoom = 2

        self.group = PyscrollGroup(map_layer=self.map_layer, default_layer=3)

        # add our hero to the group

    def draw(self, surface):
        # center the map/screen on our Hero
        # draw the map and all sprites

            floor_sensor_rect = self.hero.get_floor_sensor()

            ox, oy = self.map_layer.get_center_offset()
            new_rect = floor_sensor_rect.move(ox * 2, oy * 2)

            pygame.draw.rect(surface, (255,0,0), new_rect)

    def handle_input(self, dt):
        """ Handle pygame input events
        poll = pygame.event.poll

        event = poll()
        while event:
            if event.type == QUIT:
                self.running = False

            elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
                    self.running = False
            # this will be handled if the window is resized
            elif event.type == VIDEORESIZE:
                init_screen(event.w, event.h)
                self.map_layer.set_size((event.w, event.h))

            event = poll()

        # using get_pressed is slightly less accurate than testing for events
        # but is much easier to use.
        pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()

        floor_sensor = self.hero.get_floor_sensor()
        floor_collidelist = floor_sensor.collidelist(self.walls)
        hero_is_airborne = floor_collidelist == -1

        ceiling_sensor = self.hero.get_ceiling_sensor()
        ceiling_collidelist = ceiling_sensor.collidelist(self.walls)
        hero_touches_ceiling = ceiling_collidelist != -1

        if pressed[K_l]:
            print("airborne: {}".format(hero_is_airborne))
            print("hero position: {}, {}".format(self.hero.position[0], self.hero.position[1]))
            print("hero_touches_ceiling: {}".format(hero_touches_ceiling))
            print("hero_is_airborne: {}".format(hero_is_airborne))
        if hero_is_airborne == False:

            if pressed[K_SPACE]:

                # stop the player animation
                if pressed[K_LEFT] and pressed[K_RIGHT] == False:
                    # play the jump left animations
                    self.hero.velocity[0] = -HERO_MOVE_SPEED
                elif pressed[K_RIGHT] and pressed[K_LEFT] == False:
                    self.hero.velocity[0] = HERO_MOVE_SPEED
                self.hero.velocity[1]= -HERO_JUMP_HEIGHT
            elif pressed[K_LEFT] and pressed[K_RIGHT] == False:
                self.hero.velocity[0] = -HERO_MOVE_SPEED
            elif pressed[K_RIGHT] and pressed[K_LEFT] == False:
                self.hero.velocity[0] = HERO_MOVE_SPEED
                self.hero.state = self.hero.STATE_STANDING
                self.hero.velocity[0] = 0

    def update(self, dt):
        """ Tasks that occur over time should be handled here
        self.group.update(dt, self)

    def run(self):
        """ Run the game loop
        clock = pygame.time.Clock()
        self.running = True

        from collections import deque
        times = deque(maxlen=30)

            while self.running:
                dt = clock.tick(60) / 1000.


        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            self.running = False

if __name__ == "__main__":
    screen = init_screen(800, 600)
    pygame.display.set_caption('Test Game.')

        game = QuestGame()

1 回答 1




self._position[0] = self.rect.topleft[0]
self._position[1] = self.rect.topleft[1]

pygame.Rects 只能存储整数并截断您分配给它们的浮点数,因此您不应该使用它们来更新英雄的实际位置。这是一个小演示:

>>> pos = 10
>>> rect = pygame.Rect(10, 0, 5, 5)
>>> pos -= 1.4  # Move left.
>>> rect.x = pos
>>> rect
<rect(8, 0, 5, 5)>  # Truncated the actual position.
>>> pos = rect.x  # Pos is now 8 so we moved 2 pixels.
>>> pos += 1.4  # Move right.
>>> rect.x = pos
>>> rect
<rect(9, 0, 5, 5)>  # Truncated.
>>> pos = rect.x
>>> pos  # Oops, we only moved 1 pixel to the right.


将提到的两条线移动到if body_sensor.colliderect(wall.rect):墙壁碰撞中的子句中loop,它应该可以正常工作。

for wall in game.walls:
    if body_sensor.colliderect(wall.rect):
        if dx > 0: # Moving right; Hit the left side of the wall
            self.rect.right = wall.rect.left
            self._position[0] = self.rect.left
        if dx < 0: # Moving left; Hit the right side of the wall
            self.rect.left = wall.rect.right - self.COLLISION_BOX_OFFSET
            self._position[0] = self.rect.left
        if dy > 0: # Moving down; Hit the top side of the wall
            self.rect.bottom = wall.rect.top
            self._position[1] = self.rect.top
        if dy < 0: # Moving up; Hit the bottom side of the wall
            self.rect.top = wall.rect.bottom
            self._position[1] = self.rect.top
于 2018-01-01T05:55:24.243 回答