我开始将我的应用程序迁移到 symfony4,但在我的一个第三方捆绑包(tbbcmoneybundle )中有以下弃用通知。我想知道为了提出 PR 需要进行哪些更改
The "doctrine.database_create_command" service is private, getting it from the container is deprecated since Symfony 3.2 and will fail in 4.0. You should either make the service public, or stop using the container directly and use dependency injection instead: 25x
12x in ConfigTest::setUp from Tbbc\MoneyBundle\Tests\Config
6x in ConsoleTest::setUp from Tbbc\MoneyBundle\Tests\Console
3x in ConsoleTest::testRunRatioList from Tbbc\MoneyBundle\Tests\Console
2x in ConsoleTest::testRunRatioFetch from Tbbc\MoneyBundle\Tests\Console
1x in ConfigTest::testHistoryOfFetchedRatio from Tbbc\MoneyBundle\Tests\Config
1x in ConsoleTest::testRunSaveRatio from Tbbc\MoneyBundle\Tests\Console
$this->runCommand($this->client,'doctrine:schema:update --force');