我正在使用 DR 环境中的生产还原备份升级到 TFS 2017。我使用预生产升级运行升级。

我按照下面的链接将数据库从生产恢复到 DR https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/tfs-server/admin/backup/restore-data-different-instance#ChangeOwnership

在执行 TFS 服务器配置向导时的就绪检查中,我收到以下错误,这也是日志中的记录,其他一切都成功执行:

VS403130: The Public URL currently has the same value as the one on your production system.

VS403135: The supplied Report Server URL (http://SRS01:80/ReportServer) has not been updated to be different from its previous value.

VS403136: The supplied Report Manager URL (http://SRS01:80/Reports) has not been updated to be different from its previous value.

VS403144: The warehouse database is currently pointing to the same database that was being used on your production deployment.

VS403140: The specified Analysis Services database is the same one being used in your production deployment.

使用此参考更新: https ://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/tfssetup/2014/05/15/migrating-team-foundation-server-databases/

注意:SRS01 中的Tfs_Analysis CONTOSO\DB1中的 Tfs_Warehouse 和 Tfs_Configuration


TFSConfig RemapDBs /DatabaseName:CONTOSO\DB1;TFS_Configuration /SQLInstances:SRS01 /AnalysisInstance:SRS01 /AnalysisDatabaseName:Tfs_Analysis

并收到错误:无法重新配置 Team Foundation Server 配置。遇到以下错误:

TF246064: No database could be found for the following host: Project1. The host has the following ID: d8e6c04c-78ca-4130-be1b-48c20459fd8a. To fix this problem, use the TFSConfig RemapDBs command-line tool and make sure that you specify the SQL
Server instance that contains this database.
TF246064: No database could be found for the following host: Project2. The host has the following ID: 2057e3ad-16e2-30d0-bbdf-b1720ceac1cd. To fix this problem, use the TFSConfig RemapDBs command-line tool and make sure that you specify the SQL
Server instance that contains this database.

如果运行以下 TFSConfig RemapDBs /DatabaseName:CONTOSO\DB1;TFS_Configuration /SQLInstances:CONTOSO\DB1 /AnalysisInstance:SRS01 /AnalysisDatabaseName:Tfs_Analysis

收到此消息:“当前 Team Foundation 服务器配置有效。没有映射数据库连接字符串”。

但以下执行和映射成功,我可以看到 Tfs_Configuration.tbl.Database 中更新的 dbstring:

TfsConfig.exe remapdbs /DatabaseName:CONTOSO\DB01;Tfs_Configuration /SQLInstances:CONTOSO\DB01 /continue

但是,如果我在 DR 环境中使用 Production Upgrade 运行,则仅显示此 VS403130:Public URL 当前与您的生产系统上的值相同。



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