I'm kind of starting in Javascript and I need help to figure out how can I make this code synchronous while looping through for loop. Basically what I'm doing is making multiple POST requests inside for loops and then im scrapping the data using the library X-Ray and finally I'm saving the result to a Mongo Database. The output is ok but it comes in unordered way and suddenly hangs and I have to force close using ctrl+C. This is my function:
function getdata() {
const startYear = 1996;
const currentYear = 1998; // new Date().getFullYear()
for (let i = startYear; i <= currentYear; i++) {
for (let j = 1; j <= 12; j++) {
if (i === startYear) {
j = 12;
// Form to be sent
const form = {
year: `${i}`,
month: `${j}`,
day: '01',
const formData = querystring.stringify(form);
const contentLength = formData.length;
// Make HTTP Request
headers: {
'Content-Length': contentLength,
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
uri: 'https://www.ipma.pt/pt/geofisica/sismologia/',
body: formData,
method: 'POST',
}, (err, res, html) => {
if (!err && res.statusCode === 200) {
// Scrapping data with X-Ray
x(html, '#divID0 > table > tr', {
date: '.block90w',
lat: 'td:nth-child(2)',
lon: 'td:nth-child(3)',
prof: 'td:nth-child(4)',
mag: 'td:nth-child(5)',
local: 'td:nth-child(6)',
degree: 'td:nth-child(7)',
})((error, obj) => {
const result = {
date: obj.date,
lat: obj.lat.replace(',', '.'),
lon: obj.lon.replace(',', '.'),
prof: obj.prof == '-' ? null : obj.prof.replace(',', '.'),
mag: obj.mag.replace(',', '.'),
local: obj.local,
degree: obj.degree,
// console.log(result);
upsertEarthquake(result); // save to DB
I guess I have to use promises or callbacks but I can't understand how to do this, and I already tried using async await but with no success. If any additional info needs to be provided please tell me, thanks.