一段时间以来,我一直在寻找课程、教程、书籍等来学习使用 Python 进行 Appium 移动自动化测试,但还没有找到任何东西。

我确实在 Github 上看到了文档,但我希望能找到一些更具交互性的东西。

Udemy 和 Lynda 什么都没有。亚马逊上没有书。



2 回答 2


话题值得商榷,但我会尽力指导你让你的决定更容易。首先让我们将 Python 和 Appium 分开。


Appium 像服务器一样工作,用 Nodejs 编写并实现 selenium webdriver 。它允许客户端(用任何语言编写的测试用例,在我们的例子中是 Python)触发测试,目标应用程序(应用程序)就像一个网页。目标应用程序将响应发送回节点 js 服务器,节点 js 服务器又将其发送回客户端。



所以从 appium 开始,你不需要对它进行广泛的研究。

安卓 SDK

您需要安装 android SDK,因为它提供了许多工具来帮助自动化,其中一个工具是adb,它会检测您的移动设备,为它们分配设备 ID,您的脚本语言将引用该 ID,以便与 appium 进一步通信。


第三点是您的脚本语言,即 Python 您需要通过在 python 中使用单元测试模块为您的测试场景定义测试用例,有关此模块的更多信息在这里https://docs.python.org/2/library/unittest.html

Selenium 库是内置于 appium 库的,所以你需要在 python 中安装你的 appium 库

下面的链接将帮助您安装 appium 并在 python 中运行您的测试用例


如果你使用的是 Robotframework,你可以参考这里



于 2017-12-25T07:06:09.307 回答

好的,我得到它的工作。这就是我为让 Appium 站在我这边所做的事情。

  1. 下载 Python 3.x
  2. 确保在系统变量中设置构建路径
  3. Pip 安装 iPython、Appium-Client-Server、npm、node、unittest、pytest、selenium
  4. 下载 Java JDK
  5. 在系统变量中设置 JDK 位置和 JDK bin 位置的构建路径
  6. 下载安卓工作室
  7. 从 Android Studio 设置 SDK 路径位置。记住位置,因为您需要在系统变量中设置位置
  8. 检查并确保系统变量的 SDK 路径设置在正确的位置。
  9. 将 SDK platform-tools、tools 和 tools/bin 的构建路径设置为系统变量中的路径位置。
  10. 在系统变量中设置 npm 的路径
  11. Set path for node in system variables
  12. Check to make sure all the paths are correct from the command prompt using "appium-doctor".
  13. From Android Studio -> Configure - SDK Manager and download all the tools and Android versions you'll be testing on.
  14. After downloading all that stuff, restart your computer.
  15. Reopen Android Studio, create a basic project, then when you are done setting up the project and finally at the editor, mouse over to the tool bar and click open "Tools" dropdown and you should see "Android", click that and you should see AVD Manager and SDK Manager. If you don't see those 2 then you'll have to recheck all your build paths.

  16. Download Pycharm IDE

  17. You start the appium server from the command prompt "appium"
  18. This link shows a good demo for 1 project, but the installation details are a bit outdated so becareful https://qxf2.com/blog/appium-mobile-automation/
  19. This link shows some basic commands https://github.com/appium/python-client

If you already know how to use selenium webdriver then this'll be easy as it's all based on selenium webdriver's framework, but with just Appium's keywords. You could base everything on unittest or pytest frameworks and use page object module to set-up a nice clean framework.

If you don't know how to use Selenium Webdriver, I recommend this Udemy course https://www.udemy.com/selenium-webdriver-with-python3/

  1. You must also create an Android device that you'll be doing some testing on from Android Studio -> AVD Manager and actually have the device on first before running a script I suggest copying the code from https://qxf2.com/blog/appium-mobile-automation/ first to make sure your setup is proper, then type everything by scratch from that point on.

    The most challenging thing is the setup, not the actual syntax and frameworks itself.

  2. So when you are ready to start finding xpaths and such to write your scripts first: open up your android device from AVD Manager, Second: open up the SDK location -> tools -> bin -> uiautomatorviewer.bat, Third: From the uiautomatorview.bat screen gui you'll see at the top left corner a black phone with android icon and a red one to the right. The left one click...then you'll see the current state of the page your android device is at, the you'll be able to locate xpaths and such. If you don't know what I'm talking about then see an appium course on Java which will show you how to do all this but you'll have to script it in Python.

Well I hope this all helps everyone interested. One day I'll rewrite all this cleaner as I'm at work and typing this in a hurry. Again learn Selenium and watch appium Java tutorials to get an idea of how to use the UI Automator Viewer.

于 2017-12-29T14:45:16.103 回答