我尝试了很多方法在 sendgrid 上为我的应用程序添加白标签。不幸的是,Rails 教程没有详细说明如何做到这一点。
要使用 sendgrid,您必须验证您的帐户。最后一步是列入白名单。我必须承认,我完全不知道如何执行此步骤或这意味着什么。我必须填写各种字段。
subdomain: still-beyond-10331.herokuapp
domain: .com
然后有 3 行,每行有 2 个字段,这些字段自动预填充了数据(HOST 和 DATA),所以我点击了验证。这些字段如下
Type: CNAME, HOST: still-beyond-10331.herokuapp.com, DATA: u6460287.wl038.sendgrid.net
Type: CNAME, HOST: s1._domainkey.com, DATA: s1.domainkey.u6460287.wl038.sendgrid.net
Type: CNAME HOST: s2._domainkey.com, DATA: s2.domainkey.u6460287.wl038.sendgrid.net
Error validating whitelabel:
• Expected CNAME for "still-beyond-10331.herokuapp.com" to match "u6460287.wl038.sendgrid.net".
• Expected CNAME for "s1._domainkey.com" to match "s1.domainkey.u6460287.wl038.sendgrid.net".
• Expected CNAME for "s2._domainkey.com" to match "s2.domainkey.u6460287.wl038.sendgrid.net".
DNS providers may take up to 48 hours to make your changes public. If your records are correct in your DNS host, you may have to revalidate in a few hours in order to begin utilizing your domain.