我有一个大致如下所示的 html:

    <h5><a href="external_link" target="_blank"> A Song For Jenny</a> (2015)</h5>
    Rating: PG<br/>
    Running Time (minutes): 77<br/>
    Description: This Drama, based on real life events, tells the story of a family affected directly by the 7/7 London bombings.  It shows love, loss, heartache and  ...<br/>
    <a href="/bmm/shop/Movie_Detail?movieid=2713288">More about  A Song For Jenny</a><br/>
        <a href="/bmm/shop/Edit_Movie?movieid=2713288">Edit  A Song For Jenny</a><br/>
    <h5><a href="link" target="_blank">#RealityHigh</a> (2017)</h5>
    Rating: PG<br/>
    Running Time (minutes): 99<br/>
    Description: High-achieving high-school senior Dani Barnes dreams of getting into UC Davis, the world's top  veterinary school. Then a glamorous new friend draws  ...<br/>
    <a href="/bmm/shop/Movie_Detail?movieid=4089906">More about #RealityHigh</a><br/>
        <a href="/bmm/shop/Edit_Movie?movieid=4089906">Edit #RealityHigh</a><br/>
    <h5><a href="link" target="_blank">1 Night</a> (2016)</h5>
    Rating: PG<br/>
    Running Time (minutes): 80<br/>
    Description: Bea, a worrisome teenager, reconnects with her introverted childhood friend, Andy. The two  overcome their differences in social status one night aft ...<br/>
    <a href="/bmm/shop/Movie_Detail?movieid=3959071">More about 1 Night</a><br/>
        <a href="/bmm/shop/Edit_Movie?movieid=3959071">Edit 1 Night</a><br/>
    <h5><a href="link" target="_blank">10 Cloverfield Lane</a> (2016)</h5>
    Rating: PG<br/>
    Running Time (minutes): 104<br/>
    Description: Soon after leaving her fiancé Michelle is involved in a car accident. She awakens
to find herself sharing an underground bunker with Howard and Emme ...<br/>
    <a href="/bmm/shop/Movie_Detail?movieid=3052189">More about 10 Cloverfield Lane</a><br/>
        <a href="/bmm/shop/Edit_Movie?movieid=3052189">Edit 10 Cloverfield Lane</a><br/>

我需要使用 goquery 从这个页面中获取尽可能多的信息。我知道如何提取在此片段中用“链接”一词替换的外部链接,我知道如何获取更多详细信息的链接,但我也想提取仅包含在文本中的信息,即年份(在标题中) ,运行时间,缩短描述和PG等级。我无法弄清楚如何在 goquery 中执行此操作,因为此文本没有被任何 div 或其他标签包围。我尝试寻找 h5 标签,然后在它们上调用 .Next() 但我只能找到<br>标签,而不是中间的文本。我怎样才能做到这一点?如果有比使用 goquery 更好的方法,我很好。我的代码看起来像这样。

// Retrieve the page count:
    res, err = http.Get("myUrlAddress")
    if err != nil {
    doc, err = goquery.NewDocumentFromResponse(res)
    if err != nil {
    links := doc.Find(`a[href*="pageIndex"]`)
    fmt.Println(links.Length()) // Output page count
s := doc.Find("h5").First().Next() // I expect it to be the text after the heading.
fmt.Println(s.Text()) // But it's empty and if I check the node type it says br

2 回答 2


我不知何故不喜欢使用正则表达式解析 html 的想法。我觉得它对于标签顺序或类似的小变化太脆弱了。

我认为最好还是回到 goquery 所基于的 html.Node(golang.org/x/net/html) 上。这个想法是迭代兄弟姐妹,直到它用完,或者h5遇到下一个。处理链接或任何其他元素标签可能有点麻烦,因为 html.Node 提供了一个关于属性的相当不友好的 api,但从它切换回 goquery 更麻烦。

package main

import (

type Movie struct {

func (m Movie) addTitle(s string) {
    fmt.Println("Title", s)

func (m Movie) addProperty(s string) {
    if s == "" {
    fmt.Println("Property", s)

var M []*Movie

func parseMovie(i int, s *goquery.Selection) {
    m := &Movie{}

    for node := s.Nodes[0].NextSibling; node != nil; node = node.NextSibling {
        switch node.Type {
        case html.TextNode:
        case html.ElementNode:
            switch node.DataAtom {
            case atom.A:
                //link, do something. You may want to transfer back to go query
            case atom.Br:
            case atom.H5:
                break loop

    M = append(M, m)

func main() {
    r, err := os.Open("movie.html")
    if err != nil {
    doc, err := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(r)
    if err != nil {

于 2017-12-27T07:35:12.897 回答

不幸的是,由于这个 HTML 页面的结构,在您确定了包含示例中的电影列表的页面部分之后,goquery 似乎没有太大帮助,因为感兴趣的数据点不是孤立的进入可以被goquery定位的元素。

但是,可以使用正则表达式轻松解析详细信息,当然可以根据需要对其进行修改(特别是如果/当原始页面更改其 HTML 结构时)。

type Movie struct {
    Title          string
    ReleaseYear    int
    Rating         string
    RuntimeMinutes int
    Description    string

var movieregexp = regexp.MustCompile(`` +
    `<h5><a.*?>\s*(.*?)\s*</a>\s*\((\d{4})\)</h5>` + // Title and release year
    `[\s\S]*?Rating: (.*?)<` +
    `[\s\S]*?Running Time \(minutes\): (\d{1,3})` +
    `[\s\S]*?Description: ([\s\S]*?)<`)

// Returns a slice of movies parsed from the given string, possibly empty.
func ParseMovies(s string) []Movie {
    movies := []Movie{}
    groups := movieregexp.FindAllStringSubmatch(s, -1)

    if groups != nil {
        for _, group := range groups {
            // We know these integers parse correctly because of the regex.
            year, _ := strconv.Atoi(group[2])
            runtime, _ := strconv.Atoi(group[4])
            // Append the new movie to the list.
            movies = append(movies, Movie{
                Title:          group[1],
                ReleaseYear:    year,
                Rating:         group[3],
                RuntimeMinutes: runtime,
                Description:    group[5],

    return movies
于 2017-12-26T22:13:38.353 回答