I am thinking of using a chain of Akka workers to model a workflow inside a DeferredResult based Spring MVC web application. Essentially the controller will return a DeferredResult and the actors in the chain will work to populate a CompletableFuture which feeds the DeferredResult when completed.

What I am not able to figure out is:
* Will Akka exert back-pressure if this setup takes on too much load.
* If so, how can I detect that this is happening?


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Consider using Alpakka's Spring Web connector, which allows integration of Akka Streams in a Spring Web application. Akka Streams provides backpressure as part of its adherence to the reactive streams specification, and the connector allows the exposure of streams as HTTP endpoints in a Spring application. An example from the Alpakka documentation:

public class SampleController {

  public Source<String, NotUsed> index() {
      Source.repeat("Hello world!")

In your case, you could model your workflow as a stream.

The Akka team recently published a blog post about this connector.

于 2017-12-19T18:33:47.133 回答