我正在使用 jshell 并希望截断 jshell 控制台上显示的非常大的消息。
为此,我得到了 /set truncate 命令,它说:
如果值太长,那么它们在显示时会被截断。使用 /set truncation 命令设置显示的值的最大长度。如果没有使用该命令输入设置,则显示当前设置。
| The case selector kind describes the kind of snippet. The values are:
| vardecl -- variable declaration without init
| varinit -- variable declaration with init
| expression -- expression -- note: {name}==scratch-variable-name
| varvalue -- variable value expression
| assignment -- assign variable
| The action selector kind describes what happened to the snippet. The values are:
| added -- snippet has been added
| modified -- an existing snippet has been modified
| replaced -- an existing snippet has been replaced with a new snippet